9 Cords of Love | All who in the path of duty move;
11 Minister's Farewell | Who can you save from the cold grave,
13 Traveler's Hope | I'll join with those who've gone before,
Who sing and shout their suff'rings o'er,
18 Praise Our Redeemer | Offered ev'ry one who from sin would be free;
26b Ninety-Third | Who all my sorrows took.
27t Morning Worship | Who sends his blessings down
29 The Midnight Cry | Who will kindly treat Him?
30t Zion's Joy | Who stand on Zion's hill,
Who bring salvation on their tongues,
33 Angel Choir | To all who sing the sacred song,
36b Albion | Who never knew our God;
48 Mount Helicon | Who stand on Zion's hill,
Who bring salvation on their tongues,
51 Lonsdale | Who never knew our God;
60 What Did He Do? | Who saved us from eternal loss?
Who but God's Son upon the cross?
66t Balerma | Oh happy is the man who hears
And who celestial wisdom makes
67t Peterboro | To Him who rules the skies.
72b Joyful News | Who fain would worship Thee:
81t Maitland | Who once went sorr'wing here;
82t Lady Touch Thy Harp Again | There was one who could impart
87 The Promised Land | Oh, who will come and go with me?
112 Bush Hills | To them who are the called,
114 That Glorious Day | The King who wears that glor'ous crown,
Who hold the harps of God,
115 The Millennium | The King who wears that glor'ous crown,
Who hold the harps of God,
116 Floyd | O Thou who dri'st the mourner's tear,
The friends who in our sunshine live,
And he who has but tears to give
O who could bear life's stormy doom,
117 Angel Band | Who bled and died for me:
118 Campbell | Let all who for the promise wait,
119 Weary Souls | Who are oppressed and sore;
Who are for Canaan bound,
126 Ocean | Who tempt the dang'rous way.
129 Coronation | Who from His altar call;
Hail Him who saves you by His grace,
130b Passing Away | Who such a strict account must give
132 Musical Society | Let all who on the tenor sound
144t Tribulation | To those who have no God:
145t Milledgeville | For those who follow Thee.
152t Cross of Christ | Oh, who can be compared to Him,
Who died upon the tree,
154 Happy Time | Christ died for all who on Him call
165 Babylon is Fallen | All who now as foes combine.
166 What Can I Do? | Who died upon the tree?
167b Come Along | Come along my dear friends who are bound for that land,
175 O How I Love Jesus | Who died to set me free;
Who in each sorrow bears a part,
178 That Beautiful Land | I have friends who have gone to that land on high,
187 The Gospel Pool | All who have sinful maladies
192 The Penitent | To him who died, our fears to quell,
194 O Happy Day | To Him who merits all my love!
199 Vernon | I need not tell Thee who I am,
But who, I ask Thee, who art Thou?
200 Parting Hand | Who seek for mansions in the skies,
201 Mission | You who in sin and folly live,
Who slight the force of gospel truth.
204t What a Day | Who to me does His pow'r reveal;
205 The Watchman's Call | Who, though convinced do still delay
208b French Broad | Who brought me through my troubles here
213 Be Committed | All who on Christ's name believe;
216b Social Band | Who walk the way to Canaan's land;
Ye who have fled from Sodom's plain,
Say, who are these I now behold,
218t Cookham | Ye who His salvation prove,
Ye who see the Father's grace
233 Believer and His Soul | Who are those that grieve you?
Who am all unfitness?
234 The Singing Christian | It is the Lord who rises
Who gives the lilies clothing
And He who feeds the ravens,
236t Pacolet | Who never knew the Lord?
237 Remember Thy Creator | Before with God who gave it,
He cries, who died to save it,
243 Zion's Light | Who died on Calvary,
245 Bozrah | Who is this that comes from far,
“Who is He th'almighty King?”
He who hath the vict'ry won;
He who saved a ruined world;
He who God's pure law fulfiled;
257 Jubilee | Who doth live and reign for ever
258 Thorny Desert | He who dyed His garments for you,
He who bids the planets roll;
He who rides upon the tempest,
Who can paint those scenes of glory
262 Collins | Who once lay in a manger.
That awful God who made the soul,
Who long to be forgiven,
265 Mourner's Lamentation | Who wanders in sin's wilderness,
268 Come Ye to the Waters | Who long to be forgiven;
272 Felicity | Who will share my blissful portion,
Who will love my Saviour now?
278 God Holds the Future | For all who follow His command
284 Don't Grieve Your Mother | Don't grieve your mother who loves you so,
285 Farewell Brother | Brother, wake, for He who loved thee,
He who died that thou mightst live,
He who graciously approved thee,
290 Amity | The man who seeks thy peace,
302 Olivers | The God who reigns on high,
Who was and is the same,
307 True Happiness | Who their Saviour obey,
Who hath died my poor soul to redeem,
313 Bruce's Address | Who the cross of Christ would yield?
Who would leave the battlefield?
Who would cast away his shield?
Who for Zion's King will stand?
Who will join the faithful band?
314 The Christian | Who sing on Canaan's borders,
315 David's Victory | Who fears the Lord of glory need not fear
318 The Martial Trumpet | They who long in sin have lain,
322 Among that Band | To point the way to those who are oppressed.
323 Holy Manna | Who are struggling hard with sin?
324 Fair Fields of Eden | Loudly swell the heav'nly chorus,
326 Royal Proclamation | Who have wrought your own undoing;
329 Redeeming Grace | Come all, who love my Lord and Master,
332 Babylonian Captivity | Yet shall the Lord, who hears when Zion calls,
335 When I am Gone | Think who has died His beloved to save,
Sing to the Lamb who on earth once was slain,
Sing to the Lamb who in heaven doth reign,
338t How Firm a Foundation | Ye who unto Jesus for refuge have fled?
341 The Lone Pilgrim | I blest my dear children, who now for me mourn –
343 Tell the Story | For those who know it least
350 The Rock | I will pray to the Saviour who kindly did die,
354 Summer | Who, who would live alway, away from his God,
356 Morning Song | Oh, who can be sad, when the dewdrops so bright
Who wander together, enjoying his light;
357 The Trumpet | And there all who the palm-wreaths of victory wear.
361 Solemn Thought | Who hate the way of truth,
364 Redemption (Second) | Redemption in Jesus who saved me from hell.
365 The Indian's Petition | Who hath taught me to love 'neath the green willow's shade;
366 Millennium (First) | 'Twill then be discovered who for Jesus will be,
And who are in Babylon the saints then we'll see,
Be governed by Jesus, who always doeth right;
The pure word of God will conquer all who oppose;
Let all who would wish to see Millennium begin,
374 Heavenly Vision | For the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?
384 Lord I'm Depending on You | He who died for us on Mt. Calvary's old rugged cross;
389 Crown of Victory | Thou who didst stoop below,
O Thou who art our life,
391 Glad Tidings | They worship the Lamb who for sinners was slain;
392 Imandra | Who coming along the ether'al bright plain
395 King of Peace | Dost Thou ask me who I am?
398t St. Thomas | Ye heav'nly hosts, who wait,
Who guard His churches when they pray,
399t Lockport | Come, we who love the Lord,
Who never knew our God;
401t Tillotson | Jesus who knows full well
407 Sweet Hope (Second) | Their sweetness who can tell?
412t Howard | Let all the saints who trust in Thee,
433 New Haven | Who knows his sins forgiv'n!
Who bought the sight for me;
435 Shenley | Who bear true love to Thee.
436b It Is I | When to their help He came Who cried,
Who walks the waves in wondrous guise,
441 The Lonesome Dove | Who are oppressed sore;
452t Head | Oh, happy they who know the Lord,
459t All-Saints | Who shall ascend Thy heav'nly place,
The man who loves religion now,
465t Breaker | Of all who e'er Thy grace received;
468t Mendon | Let all, who vital breath enjoy,
468b Laurell | But chiefly ye who know His word,
469 Pilesgrove | Who can His mighty deeds express,
Who from Thy judgements never stray;
Who know what's right; nor only so,
471b Hesperia | Of all who e'er Thy grace received,
474 Rothwell | But chiefly ye, who know His word,
475 Portugal | 'Tis God who says, “No longer mourn;”
477 Park Street | Glory to God, who reigns on high;
482 Gray | Let all, who vital breath enjoy,
493t Kedron | Who never canst Thyself forget,
493b Day-Star | Ye who are of death afraid,
502 Eton | “Who is He, th'almighty King?”
505 Waterford | For one who bled for you.
508 Heavenly Rest | Who long Thy appearing to see,
513 Lakeland | Ye who sang creation's story,
515 Olive Shade | Father, who in the olive shade,
517 Rapture (Second) | Praise Him who bids you roll;
To Him who shaped your finer mould,
Who tipped your glitt'ring wings with gold
523 Conquest | Who live in this day,
Who sits on the throne,
530 Urmund | Who undertook for sinful man,
535 Trial's Hour | Blessed be He who smites to save,
Who heals the heart He breaks:
546t The Holy Spirit | To those who know the Lord I speak, is my beloved near?
548 Macedonia | We all are one who Him receive,