2 O Wondrous Love | We believe it was for us
16 The Finest Flower | The finest flow'r that e'er was known,
When Christ the Lord was pierced and torn,
18 Praise Our Redeemer | Jesus, the Saviour was born in a manger,
20 Prison Chains | In sin's dark prison I was bound,
26b Ninety-Third | 'Twas grace that gave me to the Lamb,
'Twas grace that kept me to this day,
28t Mocksville | His precious blood was shed,
28b Watchman (First) | I was His chief delight,
Creation was begun.
36b Albion | Religion never was designed,
46t The Hill of Zion | Religion never was designed,
59b Dove of Peace | 'Twas on Ambition's craggy hill,
60 What Did He Do? | Was one of the Godhead three.
63t Condescension | Was God's eternal Son!
68 Bright Mansions | My home once was bright and fair,
Mother, too was in her place,
78b New Britain | I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
82t Lady Touch Thy Harp Again | There was one who could impart
96 Mighty Love | 'Twas born in heav'n's immortal bow'rs
100 Tennessee | My son was dead but lives again,
Was lost, but now is found.”
132 Musical Society | In music's art was versed,
138 Rest in the Kingdom | I was lost, I was sad, I was blue,
139 The Wanderer's Grave | Nor kindly aid was near.
156 Repentance | 'Twas for my sins my dearest Lord
188 He Loves Me | Was it for crimes that I have done,
192 The Penitent | 'Twas for my sins my dearest Lord
204b Evening Bells | And many a heart that then was gay
209 The Lord's Supper | Twas on that dark and doleful night,
For us His flesh with nails was torn;
For us His vital blood was spilt,
227 Majestic Rays | Thy throne was fixed on high,
245 Bozrah | He whose truth with blood was sealed;
246 The Good Physician | How lost was my condition,
I looked, and I was healed.
252 The Sufferings of Christ | When man by transgression was lost;
A short time before He was slain,
His sweat was as great drops of blood.
265 Mourner's Lamentation | Oh, woe is me that I was born!
Or had I died when I was young,
267 Louisiana | The emblem was intended.
Unto our Lord was given,
Such was our Saviour's little name,
269t Restoration | Money was not what he wanted,
288 Morris | Was God's eternal Son;
290 Amity | How pleased and blest was I
300 Desire | Was ever grief like Thine?
302 Olivers | Who was and is the same,
306 Middlebury | And rejoice in the day thou was born:
To the Lamb that was slain,
307 True Happiness | That sweet comfort was mine,
'Twas a heaven below,
Was my joy and my song;
I was carried above,
And the world was put under my feet.
I was perfectly blessed,
324 Fair Fields of Eden | Loudly swell the heav'nly chorus,
329 Redeeming Grace | Though like Bartimeus I was blinded,
334 Jordan's Stormy Wave | The Lord was with them all the way,
But God was always ready to hear.
335 When I am Gone | Sing to the Lamb who on earth once was slain,
342 Blest Morn | Guide where our infant Redeemer was laid.
344 Morality | That peace! I'll preserve it as pure as 'twas giv'n,
346 Star in the East | Guide where our infant Redeemer was laid.
349 Redemption (First) | For us was crucified.
Oh! His blood was shed that we might live
359 Wondrous Love | When I was sinking down, sinking down,
When I was sinking down,
364 Redemption (Second) | How I was first called to seek for salvation,
I was not yet sixteen when Jesus first call'd me,
To think of my soul, and the state I was in;
Between me and Him was a mountain of sin.
The devil perceived that I was convinced,
He strove to persuade me that I was too young.
Sometimes he'd persuade me that Jesus was partial,
When He was a setting of poor sinners free,
That I was forsaken and quite reprobated,
And there was no mercy at all for poor me.
367 David's Lamentation | David the King was grieved and moved,
374 Heavenly Vision | Which was and is and is to come,
382 How Sweet the Sound | I once was lost but now am found,
was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
384 Lord I'm Depending on You | 'Twas His wondrous plan to save fallen man from eternal loss.
389 Crown of Victory | It was no path of flow'rs,
Thy own meek head by rudest storms was bowed;
391 Glad Tidings | They worship the Lamb who for sinners was slain;
392 Imandra | I dreamt I was out, to the east cast mine eye,
The atmosphere calm and serene was the sky;
I thought the last judgement was dawning to light.
A song that was never before tuned to string.
So loud was the music in o'ercame me quite.
395 King of Peace | That poor rebel, Lord was I.
399t Lockport | Religion never was design'd
410b Kambia | Alas! 'twas brittle clay,
412b Colchester | Oh 'twas a joyful sound to hear
415t Nazareth | For 'twas to bless such souls as these
417b Zanesville | Oh, what a night was that, which wrapt
435 Shenley | Oh 'twas a joyful sound to hear
450t Burford | Dark was the night, and cold the ground
On which the Lord was laid;
451b Devotion (Second) | Sweet was the time when first I felt
His love was all my song.
456b Endor | How swift and joyful was His flight,
470 Duke Street | More glorious, when the Lord was there,
507b Sicily | Friend of sinners was His name;
519 Dalston | Thy throne was fixed on high
527 Prince of Light | And gentle was His reign,
Was heard the earth around;
But peaceful was the night
537 Crucifixion | He was extended! He was extended!
Thus my Lord was crucified,
To atone for a world that was lost.
Was derided, insulted, and slain.
When it was finished, when it was finished,
And the atonement was made;
He was taken by the great,
And was in a new sepulchre laid.
549b The Drone | was about Jerusalem,