The Christian Harmony


Songs With the Word "Thy"

1 Weary RestThy head upon my breast.” Thy head upon my breast.” Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright.” “Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright.”
7 Jehovah is My GodAnd when I hear Thy spirit say,
11 Minister's FarewellThy sacred sweets disclose.
17 Call to ArmsThy spirit send their hearts to bend, Arrest them by Thy thunder,
22t LabanMy soul, be on thy guard: Nor lay thy armor down; Thy ard'ous work will not be done, Till thou obtain thy crown.
24b FredricaThy mercies and thy love;
25t SanteeLet Thy bright beams arise;
25b BrimmerGive to the winds thy fears; God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head.
26t Golden HillWith joy Thy people stand Proclaim the wonders of Thy hand, And counsels of thy will. And there extol Thy praise;
30t Zion's JoyZion, behold thy Saviour King,
32t RayfieldThy name is all divine, Thy glories round the earth are spread, When to Thy works on high, And all Thy shining forms,
32b ZellvilleThy name, Almighty Lord, Great is Thy grace and sure Thy word, Thy truth forever stands. Far be Thy honor spread, And long Thy praise endure,
35b BoylstonBut Thy compassions, Lord, Thy words of promise sure.
44b Dunlap's Creek'Tis Thy sweet beams create my noon,
48 Mount HeliconZion, behold thy Saviour-King!
49 Forever with the LordThy golden gates appear.
55t CarolinaAs in Thy sight to live; And Oh Thy servant, Lord, prepare,
61t North CarolinaSalutes thy waking eyes; Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay,
61b GainesThe honors of Thy name.
65 The Golden HillThy mercies and Thy love,
66b The Penitent's PrayerSee, low before Thy throne of grace, Hast Thou not bid me seek Thy face? To drive me from Thy feet?
67t PeterboroSalutes thy waking eyes; Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay
67b DundeeBut give me eyes to view Thy works, A heart to praise Thy name.
68 Bright Mansions“Leave thy cross and come on home.”
70t ArlingtonSalvation from Thy throne.
71 The Peaceful ShoreRemember thy creator God, For Him thy pow'rs employ; Make Him thy fear, thy love, thy hope, Thy portion and thy joy. The Lord will safely guide thy course,
73b DownsSoon as I know Thy way, My heart makes haste t'obey Thy word, Thy precepts and Thy heav'nly grace
74 God's Helping HandThy weary children need Thee still, Lord, let Thy goodness lead our land, Still saved by Thy almighty hand;
76t BrainerdI now should feel Thy pow'r!
76b NightThe safeguard of Thy might. Rejoicing in Thy love. O! take me to Thy promised rest, Where I may sing Thy praise.
79 KingwoodAnd thou must take thy flight
82t Lady Touch Thy Harp AgainLady touch thy harp again, Let thy voice become a prayer
86t OrtonvilleTill then, I would Thy love proclaim, And may the music of Thy name
91 There is a FountainDear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood, Thy flowing wounds supply, I'll sing Thy pow'r to save,
92 Promised DayThy lasting favors share, And of the bounties of Thy grace
94 PlenaryWhen all Thy mercies, O my God, Thy providence my life sustained, Thy mercy lent an ear, Thy tender care bestowed, Thy bounteous hand with worldly bliss
95 Canaan's LandI need the influ'nce of Thy grace Are not Thy mercies sov'reign still,
98 Christian SoldierSupported by Thy word. Thy saints in all this glor'ous war And all Thy armies shine
101 An Address for AllTherefore prepare to meet thy God, before it is too late,
102 Missionary's AdieuYes, nature all thy soft delights, Thy Sabbath's laws and happy shores,
103 DerrickThy welcome shall proclaim, With Thy beloved name.
104 Everlasting SongUpward, dear Father, to Thy throne,
105t Tender CareWhen all Thy mercies, O my God, Thy tender care bestowed,
107 Resignation (First)Thy presence is my stay; A word of Thy supporting breath, Thy hand, in sight of all my foes, O may Thy house be mine abode,
111t Fleeting DaysThy lasting favors share Yet with the bounties of Thy grace,
111b JudkinsThe safe guard of Thy might. Rejoicing in Thy love. Oh, take me to Thy promised rest, Where I may sing Thy praise.
113 The Converted ThiefAnd welt'ring in Thy blood. And in the vict'ries of Thy death “Today thy parting soul shall be
116 FloydDid not Thy wing of love
125b Day DawnThou dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
126 OceanThy works of glory, mighty Lord, At Thy command the winds arise,
127 HeraldTriumphant Zion! lift thy head And gird thee with thy Saviour's strength. Put all thy beaut'ous garments on, And let thy excellence be known; Thy glories shall the world confess.
128t HesterO Lord, I love Thy service now; Thy church displays Thy pow'r;
133 JuniataJesus, I love Thy charming name, Thy grace still dwells upon my heart I'll speak the honors of Thy name
145t MilledgevilleAnd seem by Thy sweet bounty made There, if Thy spirit touch the soul,
146t Solemn WarningTherefore prepare to meet thy God,
148 LeanderSupported by Thy Word. Thy saints in all this glor'ous war And all Thy armies shine
151 Sweet ProspectHelp me to tear it from Thy throne,
152b MessiahBefore I at Thy bar appear.
159t Devotion (First)Are not Thy mercies large and free? The pow'r and glory of Thy grace; Great God, Thy nature hath no bound, So let Thy pard'ning love be found.
159b Long Sought HomeThy joys when shall I see? Thy walls are all of precious stone, Thy gates are richly set with pearls, Thy streets are paved with gold.
161b Awake, JerusalemNo longer in thy sins lie down; Thy beauty and thy strength put on. Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight, Sion assert thy liberty: Look up thy broken heart prepare,
163t HollisAfflicted at Thy feet I fall; That none shall seek Thy face in vain.
166 What Can I Do?To live and e'er enjoy Thy love
167t DetroitIs not Thy name melodious still
171 SessionsHeedless against thy God to fly. And force thy passage through the flames.
196 Loving KindnessAnd sing thy great Redeemer's praise;
197 The Living VineThy shelt'ring pinions spread;
199 VernonLook on Thy hands and read it there. Tell me Thy name and tell me now. The secret of Thy love unfold. Till I Thy name, Thy nature know.
204b Evening BellsAnd sing thy praise sweet evening bells.
205 The Watchman's CallWhat are thy hopes beyond the grave?
206 Prayer MeetingBy thy return, sweet hour of pray'r. Thy wings shall my petition bear May I thy consolation share,
207t Windham“Deny thyself, and take thy cross,”
209 The Lord's SupperJesus, Thy feast we celebrate, We show Thy death, we sing Thy name,
211b Humble PenitentThe pow'r and glory of Thy grace; Great God, Thy nature hath no bound; So let Thy pard'ning love be found;
216t O, SaveAre not Thy mercies large and free?
219 Rapture (First)And did Thy hand confess;
220 Over the SeaThy garments shall mar on that day.
221t Pleyel's HymnTo Thy pastures, fair and large, Heav'nly Shepherd, lead Thy charge; With Thy rod and staff supplied,
224b Hark My Soul'Tis thy Saviour, hear His word; And when wounded healed thy wound; Turned thy darkness into light.
225b MartinLet me to thy bosom fly, With the shadow of Thy wing.
226t Rock of AgesFrom thy wounded side which flowed Can fulfil Thy law's demands.
226b HawsWhy beneath thy burdens groan?
227 Majestic RaysUpheld by Thy commands, Thy throne was fixed on high, Eternal are Thy mercies Lord.
228 Pass Me NotTrusting only in Thy merits, Would I seek Thy face; Save me by Thy grace.
233 Believer and His SoulThink on what thy Saviour bore To procure thy pardon. Think how loud thy dying Lord, Will thy gracious Saviour Can control thy nature: Fully purge away thy dross;
237 Remember Thy CreatorRemember thy Creator, Before thy cares are greater, Thy great Creator fear. Remember thy Creator, Thy great Creator fear.
249 Green FieldsThy soul-cheering presence restore,
250b DiscipleShow Thy face and all is bright. In Thy service pain is pleasure, With Thy favor loss is gain. 'Twill but drive me to Thy breast; While Thy love is left to me; Soul, then know thy full salvation, Soon shall close thy earthly mission, Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days;
254t Bartimeus“Others by thy word are saved,
255 Watchman (Second)Yet upon thy pathway shone? Gird thy bridal robes around thee,
259b OlneyTune my heart to sing thy grace, Mount of Thy redeeming love. Let thy grace, Lord, like a fetter, Seal it from Thy courts above.
260t BavariaShow Thy face and all is bright.
260b ShieldsSaviour, visit Thy plantation, Lest for want of Thy assistance,
261t Come Thou FountTune my heart to sing Thy grace; Mount of Thy redeeming love. I shall see Thy lovely face, How I'll sing Thy sov'reign grace;
263 AutumnLet Thy goodness never fail us, Lead us in Thy perfect way. Bid us in Thy arms to rest
264 HarwellLord of life, Thy smile enlightens, Cheers, and charms Thy saints on earth: Nothing from Thy love shall sever Happy objects of Thy grace, Destined to behold Thy face.
265 Mourner's LamentationAt Thy footstool for favor,
266 Chrystler's FieldThy spirit send, their hearts to bend; Arrest them by Thy thunder;
269t Restoration“Others by Thy word are saved,
269b InvocationAnd rejoicing in Thy love:
275 Missionary's FarewellAll thy scenes I love them well; Home! thy joys are passing lovely;
280 ZionGod Himself shall loose thy bands. Have thy friends unfaithful proved? Have thy foes been proud and scornful? By thy sighs and tears unmoved? Cease thy mourning God, thy God, will now restore thee! He Himself appears thy friend; All thy foes shall flee before thee. All thy warfare now be past; All thy conflicts
283 WillowbyAnd tune Thy people's heart. Thy glory be our whole design; Thy glory, not our own: T'offend Thy glor'ous eyes! To magnify Thy awful name,
285 Farewell BrotherRest thee on thy bed of clay; Bear thy heav'nward soul away. And above thy peaceful slumber On thy slumber dawns no morrow; Waits thy crown of joy to give.
290 AmityMay peace attend thy gate, The man who seeks thy peace,
291 WarrentonTune my heart to sing Thy grace: Mount of Thy unchanging love. Hither by Thy help I'm come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
295 Redeemer's PraiseThe honors of Thy name.
298 My Shepherd GuidesThy rod, Thy staff, they comfort me, Surely Thy goodness and Thy love, Thy mercy free on call,
300 DesireThy pow'r I pant to prove, Strengthened by Thy Spirit's might, With all Thy saints below;
310b Weary SinnerCast thy guilty soul on Him; At His feet thy burden lay; Look thy doubts and cares away.
312 PenitenceJesus, let Thy pitying eye Give me through Thy dying love, A portion of Thy grief unknown;
315 David's VictoryFall'n Philistia is thy trust,
316 This Heavy LoadDear God, Thy children bend down low,
317 The Christian SoldierHosts to cut thy passage through; On the rock thy couch must be, Steal upon thy broken slumber.
332 Babylonian CaptivityIf my cold heart neglect thy kindred race,
336b ProbationThy utmost counsel to fulfil, And suffer all Thy righteous will,
338t How Firm a FoundationWhen through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply, Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.
338b DavisWhere dost Thou at noon-tide resort with Thy sheep,
339 SamanthraWhere dost Thou at noontide resort with Thy sheep,
351 Sweet HomeThough, oft from Thy presence, in sadness I roam,
357 The TrumpetGreat Creator, on us, Thy sad children with love;
363 The Christian WarfareIn Thy name and Thy strength I'll soon put to flight.
384 Lord I'm Depending on YouLord, I seek Thy face, save me by Thy grace, take me to that place,
385 Sweet HeavenThy walls are all of precious stone, Thy streets are paved with pure gold.
386 SpartanburgWhen all Thy mercies, O my God, Thy tender care bestowed,
389 Crown of VictoryThy blessed labors done, Thy crown of vict'ry won, Hast passed from earth, passed to Thy home on high. Thy own meek head by rudest storms was bowed;
390 Crown of LightExalt thy tow'ring head, and lift thine eyes; See a long race thy spacious courts adorn; See barb'rous nations at thy gate attend, Walk in the light and in thy temple bend; See thy bright altars thronged with prostrate kings, Thy realm shall last, thy own Messiah reigns.
393t West PointAwake, and let thy flowing strains
394 Stubborn HeartThy spirit can from dross refine,
395 King of PeaceDo not turn away Thy face, Scorn Thy grace, Thy pow'r defy;
397t HantsThy ransom'd servant, I Restore to Thee Thy own;
397b BedanThere sweet shall be thy rest;
399b ThatcherThy mercies and thy love,
402t Olive LeafThere sweet shall be thy rest,
405t HoneywelThy sov'reign bounty is the spring, The creature of Thy hand, My God, Thy benefits demand, Shall I withhold Thy due, And fill it with Thy love.
405b CautionMy soul, be on thy guard, And lay thy armour down; Thy arduous work will not be done, Till thou obtain thy crown.
408t ShirlandHow perfect is Thy word, And all Thy judgements just! For ever sure Thy promise, Lord,
408b Dartmouth'Tis He forgives thy sins; 'Tis He relieves thy pain; 'Tis He that heals thy sicknesses,
409b NewinghamAnd to Thy gracious eye present, Till sprinkled with Thy blood.
412t HowardAnd magnify Thy name.
413t WarwickSinners shall ne'er be Thy delight, Nor dwell at Thy right hand.
413b BarbyTo this dear cov'nant of Thy word
414 FriendWhen I begin Thy praise, The numbers of Thy grace? Thy goodness I adore; Send down Thy grace, O blessed Lord, And march with courage in Thy strength,
415b HenryTis by Thy strength the mountains stand, The sea grows calm at Thy command, Thy morning light and ev'ning shade Thy plenteous fruits make harvest glad, Thy flow'rs adorn the spring.
416t FragranceNo music's like Thy charming name, With all Thy favored throng,
416b EdwardsThy word the choicest rule imparts,
418t ChimesThy chose temple, Lord, how fair,
418b Union ValeWith all Thy quick'ning pow'rs, With all Thy quick'ning pow'rs,
419t Rockingham (First)The honors of Thy name.
419b FountainThou dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
420 CambridgeThy saints are comforted, I know, And love Thy house of prayer;
421t SeymourDear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
422t BoswellI thought upon Thy pow'r; I kept Thy lovely face in sight, Bring Thy salvation nigh. I strive to mount Thy holy hill; Thy glories all my spirit fill,
423b BenedictionThy promise is my stay; Thy presence makes my day.
424 NightingaleThy vast, Thy boundless praise. Shall spread Thy praise abroad. For Thou didst freely give Thy son,
425t ExchangeThy gracious pow'r make known, Touch, by the power of thy word,
427 NaomiThy sov'reign will denies; Accepted at Thy throne of grace, The blessings of Thy grace impart, Thy presence thro' my journey shine,
429 Charming NameJesus, I love Thy charming name, Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, I'll speak the honors of Thy name
434 Nobler ChoiceThy love is bliss divine;
435 ShenleyMay peace within thy sacred walls, Thy palaces be crowned.
437 The Dying PenitentAnd welt'ring in Thy blood. And in the vict'ries of Thy death, “Today thy parting soul shall be
440t BeulahLord, I approach Thy mercy seat, There humbly fall before Thy feet, Thy promise is my only plea;
442 LanesboroI haste to seek Thy face; Without Thy cheering grace. I've seen Thy glory and Thy pow'r Thro' all Thy temple shine;
450t BurfordIf such Thy sacred will; Thy pleasure I fulfil.”
450b ConsolationSalutes thy waking eyes; Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay
451t Shepherd (First)Thy word, O Lord, with friendly aid, Oh, send Thy light and truth abroad The glories of Thy grace.
454 Heavenly Light (or Eden)Zion, awake! thy strength renew, Put on thy robes of beauteous hue; Soon shall thy radiance beam afar, Gentiles and kings thy light shall view,
456t BlendenGreat are Thy works, almighty Lord, All nature rests upon Thy word, Thy wise and all-controlling sway.
458 RollandO Lord of hosts, Thy dwellings are! To meet th'assemblies of Thy saints. Till all before Thy face appear,
459t All-SaintsWho shall ascend Thy heav'nly place, Great God, and dwell before Thy face?
460t BohemiaThy goodness in full glory shines; Thy truth shall break through ev'ry cloud That veils and darkens Thy designs. For ever firm Thy justice stands, Wise are the wonders of Thy hands; Thy judgements are a mighty deep. Thy providence is kind and large, Both man and beast Thy bounty share; The whole creation is Thy charge, But saints are Thy peculiar care.
460b GratitudeMy God, how endless is Thy love! Thy gifts are ev'ry ev'ning new; Thy sov'reign word restores the light, I yield myself to Thy command; Perpetual blessings from Thy hand
462b UptonCall home thy thoughts, that rove abroad; His favors claim thy highest praise;
463 AnvernTriumphant Zion! lift thy head And gird thee with thy Saviour's strength. Put all thy beauteous garments on, And let thy excellence be known: Thy glories shall the world confess. And fill thy hallowed walls with dread;
464 ReformationVast are Thy works, almighty Lord, All nature rests upon Thy word, Thy wise and allcontrolling sway.
465t BreakerOf all who e'er Thy grace received; Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times Thy goodness grieved: Nor in Thy righteous anger swear T'exclude me from Thy people's rest.
465b WeltonOh! teach my erring feet Thy way: Thy truth, with ever fresh delight; Unite them all to fear Thy name. On earth Thy glories I'll declare,
467t ElparanReturn, my soul, enjoy thy rest,
467b UxbridgeThe heav'ns declare Thy glory, Lord; In ev'ry star Thy wisdom shines; But when our eyes behold Thy word, We read Thy name in fairer lines. And nights and days Thy pow'r confess; Reveals Thy justice and Thy grace. Sun, moon, and stars convey Thy praise So when Thy truth began it's race,
469 PilesgroveWho from Thy judgements never stray;
470 Duke StreetLike chariots that attend Thy state.
471t Rockingham (Second)Thy praise, O Lord, shall tune the lyre, Thy love our joyful songs inspire;
471b HesperiaOf all who e'er Thy grace received, Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times Thy goodness grieved. Nor, in Thy righteous anger, swear I shall not see Thy people's rest.
472b CleavelandAlmighty Maker, to Thy name.
475 PortugalHis pitying eyes thy grief discern, His heav'nly balm shall heal thy smart. Thy dying Saviour bids thee live;
476b Shepherd (Second)Where do Thy sweetest pastures grow? That from the sun defends Thy flock? Fain would I feed among Thy sheep, Why should Thy bride appear like one The footsteps of Thy flock I see; Thy sweetest pastures comfort me: A wondrous feast thy love prepares, Bought with Thy wounds and groans and tears.
478t BrentfordAmid the wonders of Thy love,
479 TriumphAnd cast Thy foes with fury down. The sacred annals speak Thy fame;
480 SalinevilleThy wondrous blood, dear dying Christ, On Thy kind wings, celestial Dove! Let me but view Thy lovely face; Thine endless grandeur and Thy grace.
481 HoldenGod of our lives, Thy constant care These lives so frail Thy love prolongs, The opening year Thy mercy shows; We to Thy guardian care commit, And peaceful leave before Thy feet.
483 Burroughs (New)And make us know and choose Thy way;
490 Creation (Second)Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends Thy word; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore,
491 NashvilleI love the volume of Thy word; Thy precepts guide my doubtful way; Thy fear forbids my feet to stray. Thy promise leads my soul to rest.
492b SupplicationBut blot their mem'ry from Thy book. Let Thy good Spirit ne'er depart, Nor hide Thy presence from my heart. I cannot live without Thy light, Cast out and banished from Thy sight; Thy holy joys, my God, restore,
493t KedronThy last myster'ous agony, Thy fainting pangs and bloody sweat!
494 HinghamTo praise Thy name, give thanks, and sing, To show Thy love by morning light, And talk of all Thy truth at night.
496t WilmotBe Thy glorious name adored! Lord, Thy mercies never fail; When around Thy throne we sing. Guide our footsteps in Thy way, Till we all Thy glory see.
496b ResurrectionDeath, yield up thy mighty prey:
498 HendonTo Thy pastures, fair and large, Heav'nly Shepherd, lead Thy charge; And shalt bid Thy hallow'd dome With Thy rod and staff supplied,
499t Hasten SinnerLest thy season should be o'er, Lest thy lamp should cease to burn, Let him not Thy counsel spurn,
500t HartsFather, glorify Thy Son;
503 Invocation (New)O may we feel Thy pow'r, O may we find Thy favor,
506 Dying LoveAnd record Thy dying love; For Thy flesh is meat indeed: Vine of heav'n Thy blood supplies Lord, Thy wounds our healing give, To Thy cross we look and live.
508 Heavenly RestWho long Thy appearing to see, To mourn for Thy coming is sweet, To weep at Thy longer delay;
509b The Good ShepherdLet Thy kingdom, blessed Saviour, Day and night Thy lambs are crying, Come, good Shepherd, feed Thy sheep. Guide us, Lord, by thy good Spirit, On Thy gospel word we'll venture, Oh! good Shepherd, feed Thy sheep.
510t AberdeenFix in us Thy humble dwelling, All Thy faithful mercies crown! Visit us with Thy salvation;
512 Missionary SongLet thy glorious morning dawn. Spread abroad Thy holy name
515 Olive ShadeStrengthen Thy Son. Or to the chastened let Thy might “Thy will be done!”
516 OliphantHold me with Thy pow'rful hand;
519 DalstonUpheld by Thy commands, And skies and stars obey Thy word: Thy throne was fixed on high Eternal is Thy kingdom, Lord. The terrors of Thy frown Thy throne forever stands on high.
520 HarwichThy mercy, Lord, Abides Thy word.
522 NewburyO Zion, tune thy voice, And raise thy hands on high; Tell all the earth thy joys, He pours around thy head: Thy form shall view,
526 Zion's GloryHoly joy thy lights awaking,
528 Throne of GloryOh turn Thy pitying eye; Before Thy cross I lie. Thy pain is all for me;
529 WorshipAnd by Thy grace with songs of praise, We triumph in Thy favor, Shall praise Thy name forever.
530 UrmundBe Thou by all Thy works adored, And brought salvation through Thy name,
541 Resignation (Second)Thy presence is my stay; A word of Thy supporting breath, Thy hand, in sight of all my foes, O may Thy house be mine abode,
545 Mount VernonPeaceful be thy silent slumber:
547 Higher GroundI feel Thy Spirit and Thy love which say awake arise.