2 O Wondrous Love | We may not know, we cannot tell,
5t Dear Friends, Farewell | Dear friends, farewell, I do you tell,
11 Minister's Farewell | Dear friends, farewell I do you tell,
16 The Finest Flower | Nor can the tongue of angels tell
20 Prison Chains | I'll tell it all my earthly days;
59b Dove of Peace | O tell me where the Dove has flown,
Then whisper'd “I will tell you where
70t Arlington | And all His wonders tell.
100 Tennessee | I'll go and tell him all I've done,
147 Fairfield | I'll tell Him I'm a wretch undone,
150 Salvation | I'll tell Him I'm a wretch undone,
192 The Penitent | Oh shall not warmer accents tell
194 O Happy Day | And tell its raptures all abroad.
199 Vernon | I need not tell Thee who I am,
Tell me Thy name and tell me now.
200 Parting Hand | And heard you tell your hopes and fears,
202 Immensity | Than angels tell or poets sing,
242 Come, Ye Disconsolate | Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish;
244b The Christian's Conflicts | No mortal tongue can tell:
246 The Good Physician | To tell to all around me,
252 The Sufferings of Christ | A story most lovely I'll tell,
253 Is It Far? | Tell me, is it far?
Tell me, brother, is it far?
255 Watchman (Second) | Watchman, tell me does the morning
266 Chrystler's Field | Let sinners tell the story –
274 Mother Tell Me of the Angels | Mother tell me of the angels,
Tell me of that joyous band:
Tell me of their blest employment
Tell me mother, where is father?
But with joy no tongue can tell,
281b Palmetto | Had I tongue to tell its bliss;
286 Ganges | Amazed I stood, but could not tell
The saints I heard with rapture tell
287 Indian Convert | De preacher tell me so.
296 He's Holding My Hand | I tell Him all my griefs and woes,
301 John Street | And tell the wonders He hath done
303 The Unclouded Day | O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies,
O they tell me of a home far away;
O they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
O they tell me of an unclouded day.
O they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
O they tell me of an unclouded day.
O they tell me of a home where my friends have gone,
O they tell me of that land far away;
O they tell me of my friends by the tree of life,
O they tell me of an unclouded day.
O they tell me of the King in His beauty there,
And they tell me that mine eyes shall behold;
O they tell me of the King on His snow-white throne,
O they tell me of an unclouded day.
O they tell me that He smiles on His children there,
And they tell me that no tears ever come again,
O they tell me of an unclouded day.
309 Singing School | O tell me, young friends,
O where, tell me where,
315 David's Victory | Let mighty Saul his vanquished thousands tell
319 Weary Pilgrim | Friends, believe me when I tell,
323 Holy Manna | Tell them all about the Saviour,
Tell them that He will be found;
325b Jesus Died For Me | I love to tell of that sweet home,
329 Redeeming Grace | And like old David I will tell,
336t Sweet Harmony | Oh, tell me no more
I cannot tell why;
336b Probation | And tell me, Lord, may I there find
341 The Lone Pilgrim | Oh tell my companion and children most dear,
343 Tell the Story | I love to tell the story
I love to tell the story,
I love to tell the story,
To tell the good old story
I love to tell the story;
I love to tell the story;
I tell it now to thee.
I love to tell the story,
Which seems, each time I tell it
I love to tell the story,
I love to tell the story,
355 Homeward Bound | We'll tell the world as we journey along,
364 Redemption (Second) | Come, listen a while, and to you I will tell
380 Christian Song | Oh tell me, my soul, is it death,
391 Glad Tidings | When we join in worship and tell of His name;
401t Tillotson | Invites us all our grief to tell,
417t Heber | And tell all wand'ring nations round
420 Cambridge | Then tell me gracious God is mine,
456b Endor | And tell the wonders He hath done.
457b Evening Chant | They tell us of his glory nigh,
476b Shepherd (Second) | Tell me, dear Shepherd! let me know
522 Newbury | Tell all the earth thy joys,
534 Angels Singing | Hear them tell the wondrous story;