5t Dear Friends, Farewell | Your conversation sweet;
11 Minister's Farewell | Your conversation sweet;
Shall pass in sweet repose,
27t Morning Worship | How sweet the melting lay
30t Zion's Joy | How sweet their tidings are;
35t Lisbon | Welcome, sweet day of rest,
36b Albion | Join in a song with sweet accord,
37 Heaven's My Home | My home above! Sweet home of love!
Come, go with me and find sweet rest,
38 God Is Our Refuge | Oh refuge sweet from ev'ry tempest shock.
Christ is our refuge sweet,
44b Dunlap's Creek | 'Tis Thy sweet beams create my noon,
48 Mount Helicon | How sweet their tidings are;
51 Lonsdale | Join in a song with sweet accord,
59b Dove of Peace | Go, seek that sweet secluded spot,
72t Jordan | Sweet fields arrayed in living green,
77 How Beautiful Heaven Must Be | Sweet home of the happy and free,
Sweet chords from their gold harps are ringing,
78b New Britain | Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
80 The Blind Girl | Yet their sweet images arise
Sweet pleasures warm my beating breast,
82t Lady Touch Thy Harp Again | Sing some sweet and solemn strain,
While I catch its echoes sweet,
82b Gospel Waves | Bearing sweet com- (Trust His love,) -fort, bringing relief (Praise His name.)
85 Mercy Seat | A place of all on earth most sweet,
86t Ortonville | How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
87 The Promised Land | Sweet fields arrayed in living green,
104 Everlasting Song | Sounds sweet from ev'ry string.
106 Sweet Rivers | Sweet rivers of redeeming love
118 Campbell | And the sweet task of love.
119 Weary Souls | Sweet spring is coming on;
122 The Dying Boy | Yet do not weep, sweet mother, now.
132 Musical Society | To make sweet harmony.
133 Juniata | Nor friendship half so sweet.
144b Walk with God | How sweet their mem'ry still!
145t Milledgeville | And seem by Thy sweet bounty made
151 Sweet Prospect | How sweet their mem'ry still!
Sweet messenger of rest;
154 Happy Time | Is to our souls so sweet,
158 The Land of Rest | O heaven, sweet heaven!
Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood,
159b Long Sought Home | Home, sweet home, my long-sought home,
162 Redeemed Singers | My brother, awake, and sing the sweet story,
How sweet it will be then to meet with each other,
170 On My Way | And keep me ever faithful, pure and sweet.
184 Where We'll Never Grow Old | We shall be in the sweet by and by,
190 Salutation | How sweet the pilgrim's song!
200 Parting Hand | Your comp'ny's sweet, your union dear,
How sweet the hours have passed away,
In sweet submission, all as one,
204b Evening Bells | Of youth and home, and that sweet time
And sing thy praise sweet evening bells.
206 Prayer Meeting | Sweet hour of pray'r, sweet hour of pray'r,
By thy return, sweet hour of pray'r.
Sweet hour of pray'r, sweet hour of pray'r,
And wait for thee, sweet hour of pray'r.
Sweet hour of pray'r, sweet hour of pray'r,
Farewell, farewell! sweet hour of pray'r.
208t He Lives | What comfort this sweet sentence gives!
208b French Broad | Find sweet and everlasting rest.
223 Hallelujah! Praise The Lord | Sweet affliction, sweet affliction,
228 Pass Me Not | Find a sweet relief;
239t Soft Music | Sweet, sweet lingers the strain,
248 Twilight is Falling | Sweet, happy home so bright.
249 Green Fields | Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flow'rs,
256b Sacred Rest | Sweet is the day of sacred rest,
And ev'ry pow'r find sweet employ,
266 Chrystler's Field | While music sweet makes some retreat,
272 Felicity | Sweet responses still repeating,
273 Sing His Praise | It is a sweet employ to walk
279 Lecil | To dwell at home, sweet home.
281b Palmetto | Sweet the moments, rich in blessing,
284 Don't Grieve Your Mother | Sweet to my mem'ry and fresh today,
298 My Shepherd Guides | He anoints my head with oil so sweet,
307 True Happiness | The sweet comfort and peace
That sweet comfort was mine,
308 The Happy Time | Is to our hearts so sweet,
320 Longing for the Day | Oh I am longing for that sweet day.
We know the sweet day is very near;
To praise His sweet name eternally.
323 Holy Manna | With sweet manna all around.
325b Jesus Died For Me | I love to tell of that sweet home,
For some sweet day, some happy day,
To that sweet home of endless day.
330 Fulfillment | Sweet gospel grace will soon be o'er.
335 When I am Gone | Sing a sweet song when my grave you shall see,
Sing a sweet song, such as angels may have,
336t Sweet Harmony | In harmony sweet,
339 Samanthra | His voice as the sound of the dulcimer sweet,
343 Tell the Story | More wonderfully sweet.
344 Morality | My beauty, my wealth, is a sweet peace of mind.
348 We've a Mansion in Heaven | How sweet 'tis to think, when this life fades away,
Home, home sweet, sweet home,
On th'sweet banks of Canaan, so blooming and fair.
351 Sweet Home | How sweet to my soul is communion with saints;
Home, home, sweet, sweet home;
Sweet bonds that unite all the children of peace!
353 Bower of Prayer | How sweet were the zephyrs perfumed by the pine,
354 Summer | There sweet be my rest, till He bid me arise,
362 Shining Light | Sweet messenger of rest;
382 How Sweet the Sound | Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!
385 Sweet Heaven | Oh, heaven, my home, sweet heaven, my home,
Sweet home of the happy and free;
392 Imandra | Then, in the sweet transport, my feet left the ground
397b Bedan | There sweet shall be thy rest;
398b Gerar | Make their communion sweet.
399t Lockport | Join in a song with sweet accord,
402t Olive Leaf | There sweet shall be thy rest,
404b Arion | And guards my sweet repose.
Transparent, sweet, and all serene,
416t Fragrance | Nor half so sweet can be.
Then will we sing more sweet, more loud,
425b Ryland | How sweet their mem'ry still!
429 Charming Name | Nor friendship half so sweet.
431 Dungeness | How sweet the vernal day!
436t Turner | Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood
441 The Lonesome Dove | Sweet spring is coming on;
445 Revelation | Sweet is the Saviour of their names,
451t Shepherd (First) | To joys divinely sweet.
451b Devotion (Second) | Sweet was the time when first I felt
457b Evening Chant | How sweet the hour of closing day,
461 Lynn | Asleep in Jesus! Oh how sweet
466 The Mercy-Seat | A place of all on earth, most sweet
467t Elparan | And draw from heav'n that sweet repose
477 Park Street | Hark! what sweet music, what a song,
Sweet song, whose melting sounds impart
478t Brentford | Sweet hope revives my drooping heart,
484 Olivet | In sweet communion, kindred minds!
486t Retreat | A place of all on earth more sweet:
488 Dell of the Woods | A place of all on earth most sweet:
494 Hingham | Sweet is the work, my God, my King,
Sweet is the day of sacred rest;
497t Acton | Sweet the time, exceeding sweet!
Sweet the place, exceeding sweet!
508 Heavenly Rest | To mourn for Thy coming is sweet,
511 Farewell | O brethren, in sweet gales now we are all breezing,
524 When Shall We Meet Again? | When shall sweet friendship glow,
532 Boerne | Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flow'rs,
535 Trial's Hour | Is still a privilege most sweet,
537 Crucifixion | Wrapped in linen clean and sweet,
539 Rest for the Weary | In the sweet fields of Eden,