56b Sing to Me of Heaven | Burst forth in strains of joyfulness,
73t Ella's Song | And furnishes the noblest strains
104 Everlasting Song | Seraphs, with elevated strains,
114 That Glorious Day | Descending, with most melting strains,
115 The Millennium | Descending, with most melting strains,
122 The Dying Boy | What glor'ous strains salute my ear
132 Musical Society | In strains melodiously,
219 Rapture (First) | My tongue broke out in unknown strains,
245 Bozrah | Thus in strains of triumph sing:
329 Redeeming Grace | They sing high strains of Jesus' love,
332 Babylonian Captivity | Bid sacred praise in strains melodious flow
393t West Point | Awake, and let thy flowing strains
502 Eton | Thus in strains of triumph sing: