7 Jehovah is My God | Jehovah is my sov'reign God,
27b Missionary Herald | His sov'reign voice obey;
Depending on his sov'reign word,
58b Primrose | A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
73t Ella's Song | Or more display the sov'reign right
78t Repent | No more the sov'reign eye of God
95 Canaan's Land | Are not Thy mercies sov'reign still,
99 Pleasant Hill | Its sov'reign virtues know.
147 Fairfield | Without His sov'reign grace.
150 Salvation | Without His sov'reign grace.
161t Wells | Before the Lord your sov'reign king,
188 He Loves Me | And did my Sov'reign die?
227 Majestic Rays | Begirt with sov'reign might,
230b Amboy | Jesus reigns with sov'reign pow'r!
261t Come Thou Fount | How I'll sing Thy sov'reign grace;
393t West Point | Awake, and praise that sov'reign love
398t St. Thomas | The Lord, the sov'reign King,
403b Silver Street | Jehovah is our sov'reign God,
405t Honeywel | Thy sov'reign bounty is the spring,
417t Heber | The Sov'reign of your hearts proclaim,
427 Naomi | Thy sov'reign will denies;
460b Gratitude | Thy sov'reign word restores the light,
472b Cleaveland | His sov'reign pow'r, without our aid,
476t Effingham | The Lord sits sov'reign on the flood,
496t Wilmot | Heav'nly Father, sov'reign Lord,
519 Dalston | Begirt with sov'reign might,
520 Harwich | The sov'reign King of kings;
522 Newbury | Till sov'reign love,
536 Symphony | The Lord, the Sov'reign, sends His summons forth,
543 Chase High Road | The Lord the sov'reign King,