6 Babel's Streams | If I can reach that charming sound,
7 Jehovah is My God | I want to hear God's trumpet sound,
8 Creation (First) | And sound his name, and sound his name abroad.
10 Zion's Dove | From hill to hill we hear the sound,
26b Ninety-Third | Grace, 'tis a charming sound,
30t Zion's Joy | That hear the joyful sound,
32b Zellville | Shall sound through distant lands;
48 Mount Helicon | That hear the joyful sound
52 Newburg | And sound His name abroad.
55b Idumea | Waked by the trumpet's sound,
58b Primrose | Salvation! O, the joyful sound!
Conspire to raise the sound.
61t North Carolina | The day renews the sound,
62t Sweet Hope (First) | O joyful sound of gospel grace!
78b New Britain | Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
81b Eternal Joys | Till the trumpet shall sound;
103 Derrick | Hark! the glad sound, the Saviour comes,
104 Everlasting Song | With an immortal sound.
110 Volunteers | They sound for volunteers!
119 Weary Souls | Till Gabriel's trump shall sound,
132 Musical Society | Let all who on the tenor sound
133 Juniata | Fain would I sound it out so loud
142 The Solid Rock | When He shall come with trumpet sound,
145b Fiducia | Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound,
146b Bangor | Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound,
152b Messiah | Th'affrighted nations hear the sound,
165 Babylon is Fallen | Swell the sound ye kings and nobles,
205 The Watchman's Call | Come, listen to the solemn sound,
222t Praise | Let the trumpet's lofty sound
230b Amboy | Let it sound from shore to shore,
243 Zion's Light | Unto the gospel sound:
256b Sacred Rest | Like David's harp of solemn sound.
258 Thorny Desert | Sound redemption Through the sky.
264 Harwell | Sound the note of praise above,
281t Am I Born to Die? | Waked by the trumpet's sound,
286 Ganges | Awaked by Sinai's awful sound,
290 Amity | The sacred gospel's joyful sound.
302 Olivers | And sound thro' all the worlds above,
311 Elysian | Sweetest sound in seraph's song,
339 Samanthra | His voice as the sound of the dulcimer sweet,
374 Heavenly Vision | Be unto the earth, by reason of the trumpet which is yet to sound.
378 Mount Hope | Woods, rocks and valleys echo back the sound.
382 How Sweet the Sound | Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!
391 Glad Tidings | They dwell with delight on the sound of His name,
392 Imandra | Without any motion of body or sound;
403b Silver Street | Come, sound His name abroad,
411 The Trumpeters | They sound for volunteers!
412b Colchester | Oh 'twas a joyful sound to hear
429 Charming Name | Fain would I sound it out so loud,
435 Shenley | Oh 'twas a joyful sound to hear
450b Consolation | The day renews the sound,
468b Laurell | Awake the trumpet's lofty sound,
474 Rothwell | Shall echo back the joyful sound.
Awake the trumpet's lofty sound,
486b Lisle | How sweetly flowed the gospel sound
490 Creation (Second) | Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore,
494 Hingham | Like David's harp, of solemn sound.
496b Resurrection | Hear the joy-inspiring sound.
504 Missionary Hymn | The joyful sound proclaim,
517 Rapture (Second) | Till heav'n shall echo back the sound
518 Ariel | Oh, could I sound the glories forth,
527 Prince of Light | No war nor battle sound
534 Angels Singing | Loud our golden harps shall sound.
547 Higher Ground | And when my Maker calls me home and Gabriel's trump shall sound,