5t Dear Friends, Farewell | Since you and I must part;
11 Minister's Farewell | Since you and I must part.
67t Peterboro | Since the last setting sun!
76b Night | Since Thou wilt not remove;
91 There is a Fountain | E'er since by faith I saw the stream
93 Something New | Since man, by sin, has lost his God,
111b Judkins | Since Thou wilt not remove;
154 Happy Time | Since I have met the saints once more,
200 Parting Hand | Since we have met to sing and pray;
And since it is God's holy will,
203 Cumberland | Since we are of one mind and heart;
206 Prayer Meeting | And since He bids me seek His face,
232b Olean | Since Jesus is my mighty shield?
236t Pacolet | Since we have seen his beauty,
269b Invocation | Since together we have been,
290 Amity | And since my glor'ous God
308 The Happy Time | Since I have met the saints once more,
315 David's Victory | Since Israel's God has routed Israel's foes.
354 Summer | Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom;
404t Rosalie | Since He is mine and I am His,
438 The Mouldering Vine (Second) | Since I know no earthly joy?