10 Zion's Dove | We'll shout, and loud hosannas raise.
13 Traveler's Hope | Who sing and shout their suff'rings o'er,
19 The Day of Days | To shout and sing the livelong day.
20 Prison Chains | I go about and gladly shout,
I go about and gladly shout,
43 The Heavenly Throng | Hark! how they sing, they sing and shout,
89 Northfield | Attending angels shout for joy,
114 That Glorious Day | And Zion shout for joy.
115 The Millennium | And Zion shout for joy.
121t Prosperity | And shout salvation as I fly,
123 Rapturous Scene | Hark, how cherubic armies shout,
124 Pilgrim's Triumph | My tongue shall shout redeeming grace,
130t Sacred Love | And let our hills and valleys shout
167b Come Along | There we'll sing there we'll shout, praise the Lord ever more,
182 A Happy Meeting | In that home so fair, so bright and fair, we'll shout and sing together,
200 Parting Hand | We'll shout and sing with one accord;
206 Prayer Meeting | And shout while passing through the air,
208t He Lives | Shout on, pray on, we're gaining ground,
210b Contented Soldier | Crying amen! shout on
215 In That Morning | And we'll all shout together in that morning;
And we'll all shout together in that morning;
And we'll all shout together in that morning.
And we'll all shout together in that morning;
And we'll all shout together in that morning;
And we'll all shout together in that morning;
And we'll all shout together in that morning;
And we'll all shout together in that morning;
And we'll all shout together in that morning;
253 Is It Far? | Is it far where we'll sing and shout forever,
310t Our Journey Home | We shall have a mighty shout, by and by, when He comes,
We shall have a mighty shout, when He comes.
311 Elysian | Shout His glor'ous victories,
326 Royal Proclamation | Shout the great Messiah's praises,
Shout, ye tongues of ev'ry nation,
Shout the praise of Judah's Lion,
Shout with joyful acclamation,
Shout, ye saints, make joyful mention,
Angels shout the pleasing story,
329 Redeeming Grace | Shout as they reach the promised land.
330 Fulfillment | Yet Christians sing, and shout the louder,
347 Portuguese Hymn | Shout his almighty name, ye choirs of angels,
355 Homeward Bound | Glory to God: we will shout evermore,
356 Morning Song | In pleasure they shout, and in harmony join,
411 The Trumpeters | The trumpet sounds, the armies shout,
432t Loftin | Attending angels shout for joy,
433 New Haven | And shout and wonder at His grace,
453t De Beza | Shout to Jehovah, all the earth,
495 The Sailor's Home | And loud they shout, Our God and King!
522 Newbury | And shout salvation nigh:
539 Rest for the Weary | Shout for gladness, O ye ransomed,