26b Ninety-Third | To tread the heav'nly road,
143 Farther Along | Toils of the road will then seem as nothing,
144b Walk with God | A light to shine upon the road
151 Sweet Prospect | A light to shine upon the road
So purer light shall mark the road
153 Columbus | Then backwards on the road I stray,
166 What Can I Do? | My friends are on the downward road,
207t Windham | Broad is the road that leads to death,
217 Jerusalem | The road that leads from banishment;
241 Closer Walk with God | A light to shine upon the road,
292 Grief of Love | And walk the narrow road,
316 This Heavy Load | At ending of life's road.
325t Will You Go? | And millions more are on the road –
328 Mercy's Free | Sinners, repent, inquire the road
337 To Die No More | The road that leads from banishment,
362 Shining Light | A light to shine upon the road
372 I Won't Turn Back | Sometimes the way seems thorny, and the road gets rocky,
414 Friend | Of the celestial road;
422t Boswell | I walk the heav'nly road,
425b Ryland | A light to shine upon the road
483 Burroughs (New) | Lead us to holiness, the road
485 Quito | Yes, 'tis a rough and thorny road
The thorny road, and never faint:
496b Resurrection | Hosts of angels on the road