The Christian Harmony


Songs With the Word "Road"

26b Ninety-ThirdTo tread the heav'nly road,
143 Farther AlongToils of the road will then seem as nothing,
144b Walk with GodA light to shine upon the road
151 Sweet ProspectA light to shine upon the road So purer light shall mark the road
153 ColumbusThen backwards on the road I stray,
166 What Can I Do?My friends are on the downward road,
207t WindhamBroad is the road that leads to death,
217 JerusalemThe road that leads from banishment;
241 Closer Walk with GodA light to shine upon the road,
292 Grief of LoveAnd walk the narrow road,
316 This Heavy LoadAt ending of life's road.
325t Will You Go?And millions more are on the road
328 Mercy's FreeSinners, repent, inquire the road
337 To Die No MoreThe road that leads from banishment,
362 Shining LightA light to shine upon the road
372 I Won't Turn BackSometimes the way seems thorny, and the road gets rocky,
414 FriendOf the celestial road;
422t BoswellI walk the heav'nly road,
425b RylandA light to shine upon the road
483 Burroughs (New)Lead us to holiness, the road
485 QuitoYes, 'tis a rough and thorny road The thorny road, and never faint:
496b ResurrectionHosts of angels on the road