38 God Is Our Refuge | Where God's dear children reign;
41b Ardor | To reign in endless day.
53 No Parting There | And perfect love and friendship reign
73t Ella's Song | To make His glor'ous reign of grace
Or more display the sov'reign right
98 Christian Soldier | Sure I must fight, if I would reign,
114 That Glorious Day | Nor think his reign is long;
115 The Millennium | Nor think his reign is long;
121b Greensboro | Where saints immortal reign;
148 Leander | Sure I must fight, if I would reign;
158 The Land of Rest | Where saints immortal reign,
231 Indian's Farewell | Oft shall death and sorrow reign,
235 Faithful Soldier | And reign with him above?
244t Mutual Love | And reign with Him above,
245 Bozrah | I that reign in righteousness,
247 Oh! How Charming | And reign with Him above;
257 Jubilee | Christ, the Lord is come to reign.
Christ the Lord is come to reign.
Christ the Lord is come to reign.
Who doth live and reign for ever
Christ the Lord is come to reign.
258 Thorny Desert | Reign and triumph in your breast.
264 Harwell | King of glory, reign forever,
289 Happy Land | We'll reign for aye.
315 David's Victory | Idol gods shall reign no more,
335 When I am Gone | Sing to the Lamb who in heaven doth reign,
336b Probation | And reign with those above;
428 Zerah | His reign no end shall know;
436t Turner | Where saints immortal reign;
509b The Good Shepherd | Come, oh come! and reign forever,
527 Prince of Light | And gentle was His reign,
His reign of peace upon the earth began.
530 Urmund | That we with Thee may ever reign