4 Copeland | I pray that God will keep me true,
7 Jehovah is My God | In pity hear, I pray;
11 Minister's Farewell | I trust you'll pray, both night and day,
17 Call to Arms | Arise and pray; we'll win the day,
19 The Day of Days | So let us watch and hope and pray,
22t Laban | O watch and fight and pray,
26b Ninety-Third | Grace taught my soul to pray,
27t Morning Worship | So Jesus rose to pray,
35t Lisbon | And love, and praise, and pray.
40t Mamie | I pray we'll meet together there
58t Liverpool | Young people all, I pray then view
72b Joyful News | That Jesus hears when children pray,
130t Sacred Love | Lord, while for all mankind we pray,
138 Rest in the Kingdom | While I knelt down to pray,
147 Fairfield | Perhaps will hear my pray'r;
But if I perish, I will pray,
150 Salvation | But if I perish I will pray,
166 What Can I Do? | I pray Thee Saviour, make me strong,
190 Salutation | Pray, wherefore are you smiling,
To pray for them again;
194 O Happy Day | He taught me how to watch and pray,
200 Parting Hand | Since we have met to sing and pray;
208t He Lives | Shout on, pray on, we're gaining ground,
232t Heavenly Armor | And don't forget to pray.
233 Believer and His Soul | Faint not, then, but pray and wait,
235 Faithful Soldier | And don't forget to pray.
236b Complainer | So I am filled with folly, and so neglect to pray;
262 Collins | We pray be reconciled to Him
266 Chrystler's Field | Arise and pray; we'll win the day,
284 Don't Grieve Your Mother | When mother taught me to kneel and pray,
287 Indian Convert | If Ind'an heart do pray,
290 Amity | To pray, and praise and hear
309 Singing School | O God, we humbly pray Thee,
320 Longing for the Day | Will you pray, my brother, that we may meet,
323 Holy Manna | Will you pray with all your power,
Brethren, pray and holy manna
Brethren, pray, and holy manna
Sisters, pray and holy manna
Sisters, let your pray'rs abound,
Pray, O, pray, that holy manna
Let us love and pray for sinners,
335 When I am Gone | Pray ye the Lord that my joys you shall share,
350 The Rock | I will pray to the Saviour who kindly did die,
353 Bower of Prayer | From that blessed retreat where I've chosen to pray,
I've chosen to pray.
358 O Come, Come Away | 'Tis there we meet to sing and pray,
398t St. Thomas | Who guard His churches when they pray,
401t Tillotson | To pray and never faint.
And pray, and pray again.
405b Caution | Oh, watch and fight and pray,
412t Howard | Accept my secret pray'r;
To Thee devoutly pray.
435 Shenley | Oh pray we then for Salem's peace,
447 Mount Pisgah | And pray for the command,
501 Owen | Learn of Jesus Christ to pray.
537 Crucifixion | To redeem them, I pray Thee, forgive!”