55t Carolina | Oh may it all my pow'rs engage,
71 The Peaceful Shore | For Him thy pow'rs employ;
133 Juniata | All my capacious pow'rs can wish
209 The Lord's Supper | When pow'rs of earth and hell arose
233 Believer and His Soul | All my powers are depraved,
282 Friendship | To let our social pow'rs combine,
283 Willowby | Our souls' and bodies' pow'rs unite,
363 The Christian Warfare | I'm called to contend with the powers of darkness,
391 Glad Tidings | While pow'rs and dominions before Him do fall.
410b Kambia | Our feeble pow'rs decay;
412b Colchester | With our assembled pow'rs,
413b Barby | And all my pow'rs are Thine.
417b Zanesville | The pow'rs of darkness league in vain,
418b Union Vale | With all Thy quick'ning pow'rs,
With all Thy quick'ning pow'rs,
424 Nightingale | My life with all its active pow'rs
429 Charming Name | All my capacious pow'rs can wish,
433 New Haven | We more than taste the heav'nly pow'rs,
435 Shenley | With our assembled pow'rs,
457t Ware | And thrones and pow'rs before Him fall;
460b Gratitude | And quickens all my drowsy pow'rs.
462b Upton | Let all the pow'rs within me join
465b Welton | With all their pow'rs, shall raise the song:
480 Salineville | And all my pow'rs shall bow, and sing
489 Ridge | Praise shall employ my nobler pow'rs:
Praise shall employ my nobler pow'rs;
495 The Sailor's Home | More eager all her pow'rs expand;
505 Waterford | Lo! the pow'rs of heav'n He shakes,
511 Farewell | We'll conquer the powers of darkness and sin;
519 Dalston | And all their pow'rs engage;