62t Sweet Hope (First) | To me reached out I view;
67t Peterboro | And yet Thou length'nest out my thread,
82b Gospel Waves | Out of Gethsem- (Where alone,) -na's garden of woe, (Jesus wept!)
116 Floyd | Breathes sweetness out of woe.
125t Endless Joy | And breathe my life out sweetly there.
133 Juniata | Fain would I sound it out so loud
164b The Pilgrim's Song | I find myself out of the way,
167t Detroit | And turn each cursed idol out
174b Burning Lamp | And while the lamp holds out to burn,
219 Rapture (First) | My tongue broke out in unknown strains,
233 Believer and His Soul | Cried out, “It is finished”
284 Don't Grieve Your Mother | For her dear children, out of her sight,
But she departed out from our view;
310b Weary Sinner | Pouring out His life for thee.
353 Bower of Prayer | And poured out my soul to my Saviour in prayer,
355 Homeward Bound | Out on an ocean all boundless we ride,
366 Millennium (First) | Come out, and be separate from sinners and sin,
392 Imandra | I dreamt I was out, to the east cast mine eye,
429 Charming Name | Fain would I sound it out so loud,
432b Fish Pond | As sparks break out from burning coals,
455b Rockbridge | And while the lamp holds out to burn,
458 Rolland | My panting heart cries out to God:
472t Sunset | And breathe my life out sweetly there.
480 Salineville | Fain would my thoughts leap out and fly,
492b Supplication | Cast out and banished from Thy sight;