16 The Finest Flower | Its beauty never dies;
18 Praise Our Redeemer | He'll ne'er forsake but will be a true friend.
22t Laban | The battle ne'er give o'er.
Ne'er think the vict'ry won,
30t Zion's Joy | And sought, but never found.
36b Albion | Religion never was designed,
Who never knew our God;
40t Mamie | where singers never part.
42 Joy Bells | Telling of the Saviour's never dying love.
Singing of the Saviour's never dying love.
With the story of His never dying love.
46t The Hill of Zion | Religion never was designed,
48 Mount Helicon | And sought but never found!
51 Lonsdale | Who never knew our God;
55t Carolina | A never dying soul to save,
59b Dove of Peace | She never flew that way.
63t Condescension | There's ne'er a gift His hand bestows,
72t Jordan | There gen'rous fruits that never fail
80 The Blind Girl | The stars ne'er speak to me;
84 Homeland | Where we shall never die;
87 The Promised Land | There gen'rous fruits that never fail,
91 There is a Fountain | Shall never lose it's pow'r,
95 Canaan's Land | Where pleasures ne'er decay.
97 The Guiding Star | Its comforts never die.
114 That Glorious Day | Were never heard before.
115 The Millennium | Were never heard before.
116 Floyd | We never saw by day.
118 Campbell | Whose mercies never end;
119 Weary Souls | And should we never meet again
120 Home in the Sky | There to live and never more die;
121b Greensboro | And never with'ring flow'rs;
125b Day Dawn | Shall never lose it's pow'r,
129 Coronation | Ye Gentile sinners ne'er forget
143 Farther Along | Never molested though in the wrong.
144b Walk with God | The world can never fill.
146t Solemn Warning | And never more be seen.
147 Fairfield | As sinner never died.
149 A Good Time Coming | There to live together, never more to die,
151 Sweet Prospect | The world can never fill.
154 Happy Time | Oh may we never part;
158 The Land of Rest | And never with'ring flow'rs;
176 Heavenly Treasures | Where we shall never die;
184 Where We'll Never Grow Old | There we never shall die,
'Tis a land where we never grow old.
Never grow old,
Where we'll never grow old,
In a land where we'll never grow old.
Where we'll never more roam,
'Tis a land where we never shall die.
188 He Loves Me | But drops of grief can ne'er repay
194 O Happy Day | Nor never from the Lord depart,
199 Vernon | I never will give up my hold;
201 Mission | But never knew substantial joys,
202 Immensity | That time shall never dare destroy,
And never did an angel guest
The tear of sorrow never flows.
It never needs the moonbeam pale,
218b Harmony | Then my bliss shall never end.
229 Tranquility | Never, never weep again.
233 Believer and His Soul | Never, never ceasing.
235 Faithful Soldier | And bids me ne'er give o'er;
236t Pacolet | Who never knew the Lord?
238 Child's Wish | I never should be weary,
244t Mutual Love | And bids me ne'er give o'er.
247 Oh! How Charming | And bids me ne'er give o'er.
248 Twilight is Falling | Where the lovelight never, never dies;
254b Talmar | They shall never, never die.
259b Olney | Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
261t Come Thou Fount | Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
263 Autumn | Let Thy goodness never fail us,
265 Mourner's Lamentation | For such I ne'er rejected;
272 Felicity | Jordan's stream shall ne'er o'erflow me,
274 Mother Tell Me of the Angels | There we'll part again, O never;
276 Worlds Beyond the Sky | Which sorrow ne'er invades.
279 Lecil | Where we shall never part.
That never can be filled.
Where death can never come;
283 Willowby | Oh let it never more steal in,
287 Indian Convert | He say, poor Ind'an never fear,
291 Warrenton | Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
297 Lucas | And never stand still till the Master appear:
299 Green Meadows | That God that ne'er declines
301 John Street | And sing, in songs which never end,
306 Middlebury | Let us never more part,
307 True Happiness | Tongue can never express
308 The Happy Time | O may we never part.
313 Bruce's Address | Ne'er give up the strife:
324 Fair Fields of Eden | Loudly swell the heav'nly chorus,
325t Will You Go? | God's mighty hand will never fail,
340 Concord | For joys that shall never depart.
A sun that shall never go down.
343 Tell the Story | For some have never heard
344 Morality | Let's covet those charms that shall never decay,
368b Sweetest Pleasure | Then my bliss shall never end.
372 I Won't Turn Back | He promised that He'd never leave me,
391 Glad Tidings | But their loft'est songs never equal His love;
392 Imandra | A song that was never before tuned to string.
399t Lockport | Religion never was design'd
Who never knew our God;
401t Tillotson | To pray and never faint.
We never plead in vain,
He bids us never give Him rest,
405b Caution | The battle ne'er give o'er,
Ne'er think the vict'ry won,
413t Warwick | Sinners shall ne'er be Thy delight,
419b Fountain | Shall never lose its pow'r,
421t Seymour | Shall never loose it's pow'r,
422b Whitney | Where toil and languor never come,
423t Coventry | Which sorrow ne'er invades.
425t Exchange | The death that never dies.
And never with it part.
425b Ryland | The world can never fill.
436t Turner | And never with'ring flow'rs:
440b Robinson | Which sorrow ne'er invades.
449 Cosmer | But heathen gods shall ne'er be found
467b Uxbridge | Round the whole earth, and never stand;
469 Pilesgrove | Who from Thy judgements never stray;
476b Shepherd (Second) | My constant feet would never rove,
Would never seek another love.
485 Quito | The thorny road, and never faint:
489 Ridge | My days of praise shall ne'er be past,
My days of praise shall ne'er be past,
492t Ramesis | I never will give up my shield.
492b Supplication | Let Thy good Spirit ne'er depart,
493t Kedron | Who never canst Thyself forget,
496t Wilmot | Lord, Thy mercies never fail;
524 When Shall We Meet Again? | Never, no, never!
Never, no, never!
Meet ne'er to sever?
Our hearts will ne'er repose,
Never, no, never!
528 Throne of Glory | Lord, let me never, never
546b Oak Grove | Where wondrous love will ne'er abate.