66b The Penitent's Prayer | See, low before Thy throne of grace,
81b Eternal Joys | Kneeling low at His feet;
82t Lady Touch Thy Harp Again | Yes, a mother now laid low,
139 The Wanderer's Grave | And sank his spirit low.
145b Fiducia | Must lie as low as ours.”
146b Bangor | Must lie as low as ours.”
190 Salutation | Esteem us low and mean:
208b French Broad | Ere long my body low must lie,
258 Thorny Desert | Often bring their courage low.
259t Crumly | Low before His cross to lie,
287 Indian Convert | Upon my knee so low:
316 This Heavy Load | Dear God, Thy children bend down low,
342 Blest Morn | Low lies His bed with the beasts of the stall.
345 The Shepherd's Star | Low lies His bed with the beasts of the stall,
Low at His feet we in humble prostration,
346 Star in the East | Low lies His bed with the beasts of the stall.
356 Morning Song | The willows bend low, with their leaves to the ground,
365 The Indian's Petition | 'Neath the grove of the glen let my ashes lie low,
450t Burford | For thee He lies so low.
473 Bartholday | Once we were fall'n, and oh how low
545 Mount Vernon | Peaceful in the grave so low;