The Christian Harmony


Songs With the Word "Low"

66b The Penitent's PrayerSee, low before Thy throne of grace,
81b Eternal JoysKneeling low at His feet;
82t Lady Touch Thy Harp AgainYes, a mother now laid low,
139 The Wanderer's GraveAnd sank his spirit low.
145b FiduciaMust lie as low as ours.”
146b BangorMust lie as low as ours.”
190 SalutationEsteem us low and mean:
208b French BroadEre long my body low must lie,
258 Thorny DesertOften bring their courage low.
259t CrumlyLow before His cross to lie,
287 Indian ConvertUpon my knee so low:
316 This Heavy LoadDear God, Thy children bend down low,
342 Blest MornLow lies His bed with the beasts of the stall.
345 The Shepherd's StarLow lies His bed with the beasts of the stall, Low at His feet we in humble prostration,
346 Star in the EastLow lies His bed with the beasts of the stall.
356 Morning SongThe willows bend low, with their leaves to the ground,
365 The Indian's Petition'Neath the grove of the glen let my ashes lie low,
450t BurfordFor thee He lies so low.
473 BartholdayOnce we were fall'n, and oh how low
545 Mount VernonPeaceful in the grave so low;