39 A Precious Stone | See what a living stone,
72t Jordan | Sweet fields arrayed in living green,
87 The Promised Land | Sweet fields arrayed in living green,
92 Promised Day | One army of the living God,
107 Resignation (First) | Beside the living stream.
143 Farther Along | While there are others living about us,
Living so wicked year after year.
145b Fiducia | “Ye living men, come view the ground,
146b Bangor | “Ye living men, come view the ground,
152b Messiah | In living armies rise.
158 The Land of Rest | Stand dressed in living green;
172 The Grand Highway | The excellency of our living God.
174b Burning Lamp | The living know that they must die,
197 The Living Vine | Planted in Christ, the living vine,
208b French Broad | And by the living be forgot.
209 The Lord's Supper | Receive and eat the living food;”
218b Harmony | Be the living God my friend,
232b Olean | For Jesus is my living bread;
254b Talmar | In his glor'ous presence living,
301 John Street | With groves of living joys,
315 David's Victory | We the living Lord adore.
368b Sweetest Pleasure | Be the living God my friend,
404t Rosalie | Where living waters gently pass,
436t Turner | Stand dressed in living green:
455b Rockbridge | The living know that they must die,
462b Upton | Bless, O my soul, the living God;
480 Salineville | And living waters gently roll,
483 Burroughs (New) | Lead us to Christ, the living way,
506 Dying Love | With this true and living bread.
525 Goodly Land | With groves of living joys,
541 Resignation (Second) | Beside the living stream.