3 Christmas Morning | In honor to this little Lamb,
As humble as a little lamb,
21 Webster | Of Moses and the Lamb,
Of Moses and the Lamb.
26b Ninety-Third | 'Twas grace that gave me to the Lamb,
75 Sprague | Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb,
91 There is a Fountain | Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood,
110 Volunteers | The great eternal Lamb,
113 The Converted Thief | Thou spotless Lamb of God!
118 Campbell | Ye foll'wers of the Lamb,
125b Day Dawn | Thou dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
144b Walk with God | That leads me to the Lamb.
151 Sweet Prospect | That leads me to the Lamb.
That leads me to the Lamb.
182 A Happy Meeting | We shall join them there to swell the praises of the Lamb of Calvary;
209 The Lord's Supper | The marriage supper of the Lamb.
214 Hosanna | Hosanna! hosanna! hosanna to the Lamb of God!
Hosanna! hosanna! hosanna to the Lamb of God!
257 Jubilee | To the meek and lowly Lamb,
259t Crumly | While I gaze upon the Lamb.
267 Louisiana | The title of the little Lamb
283 Willowby | To spread the honors of the Lamb,
293 Lenox | Exalt the Lamb of God,
The sin atoning Lamb,
302 Olivers | The slaughtered Lamb.
306 Middlebury | Till we meet at the feast of the Lamb.
To the Lamb that was slain,
307 True Happiness | I first found in the blood of the Lamb;
325b Jesus Died For Me | O, glory to the Lamb of God.
335 When I am Gone | Sing to the Lamb who on earth once was slain,
Sing to the Lamb who in heaven doth reign,
357 The Trumpet | Where the Lamb and the white-vested elders are met;
359 Wondrous Love | To God, and to the Lamb, I will sing;
To God and to the Lamb,
362 Shining Light | That leads me to the Lamb.
374 Heavenly Vision | stood before the Lamb, and they had palms in their hands,
391 Glad Tidings | Come, saints, let us join in the praise of the Lamb,
They worship the Lamb who for sinners was slain;
And trusting His mercy sing “Worthy the Lamb.”
411 The Trumpeters | The great eternal Lamb,
416t Fragrance | Thou dear Redeemer, dying Lamb,
419b Fountain | Thou dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
421t Seymour | Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
437 The Dying Penitent | Thou spotless Lamb of God!
511 Farewell | All glory and praise to our God and the Lamb.