The Christian Harmony


Songs With the Word "Joy"

5b Always Something NewThe joy the dear Redeemer gives,
17 Call to ArmsWhile filled with joy and wonder.
26t Golden HillWith joy Thy people stand
30b DennisIn joy or sorrow, life or death,
31b TimeWith joy obey His heav'nly word,
36t Lovely Vine'Tis joy to see the sight.
38 God Is Our RefugeThere's joy within my soul,
40t Mamiethey bring joy to my heart;
48 Mount HeliconAnd deserts learn the joy.
62b Joy to the WorldJoy to the world – the Lord is come! Joy to the earth – the Saviour reigns! Repeat the sounding joy.
71 The Peaceful ShoreThy portion and thy joy.
73t Ella's SongWith wonder, joy, and love,
81t MaitlandAnd joy without a tear.
89 NorthfieldAttending angels shout for joy,
90 Brightest DaysRun up with joy the shining way,
94 PlenaryThat tastes those gifts with joy.
102 Missionary's AdieuWhere joy with fairest, softest hand,
106 Sweet RiversWith joy outstrip the wind,
114 That Glorious DayAnd Zion shout for joy.
115 The MillenniumAnd Zion shout for joy.
116 FloydWhen joy no longer soothes and cheers,
125t Endless JoyDeath is the gate of endless joy,
137 AntiochJoy to the World, the Lord is come! Joy to the World! the Saviour reigns, Repeat the sounding joy.
145t MilledgevilleO, with what peace and joy, and love,
157 HallelujahGive joy or grief, give ease or pain,
161t WellsEnter His gates with songs of joy;
167t DetroitDead be my heart to ev'ry joy,
172 The Grand HighwayJoy will be found when they to His will obey;
174t ProspectDeath is the gate of endless joy,
189 One by OneTo that joy that fadeth not away,
190 SalutationNo earthly joy can charm us
197 The Living VineOurselves with humble faith and joy,
202 ImmensityNor ear hath caught its sounds of joy:
203 CumberlandParting with joy, we'll join and sing
213 Be CommittedAnd with joy His praises sing. Joy and peace are fully thine.
239t Soft MusicJoy, joy bright as the day;
242 Come, Ye DisconsolateJoy of the comfortless, light of the straying,
250b DiscipleOh, 'twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmixed with Thee. Joy to find, in ev'ry station,
256b Sacred RestAnd fresh supplies of joy are shed, In that eternal world of joy.
258 Thorny DesertLove, and joy, and peace shall ever
266 Chrystler's FieldWhile filled with joy and wonder.
274 Mother Tell Me of the AngelsBut with joy no tongue can tell,
280 ZionPeace and joy shall now attend thee,
284 Don't Grieve Your MotherDown at the dram shop, sapping her joy,
285 Farewell BrotherWaits thy crown of joy to give. Triumph high and joy unending
290 AmityAnd joy within thee wait
294 CarmarthenWith pure seraphic joy:
297 LucasEnter into My joy, and sit down on My throne.”
298 My Shepherd GuidesMy cup with joy He fills.
307 True HappinessOh what joy I received, Was my joy and my song;
318 The Martial TrumpetBounty offered – joy and peace,
319 Weary PilgrimJoy and peace in Christ I find,
331 A Home in HeavenTo that bright home, what a joy is giv'n,
332 Babylonian CaptivityThe tuneless harp that once with joy we strung,
351 Sweet HomeWhich hinders my joy and communion with Thee;
358 O Come, Come AwayWith joy let's haste away, O come, come away! With joy I accept the gracious invitation;
366 Millennium (First)Lost time, things for Jesus will be counted all joy,
386 SpartanburgThat tastes those gifts with joy.
387 Stay, SinnerWhere all is light and joy and love,
398b GerarWhere joy, like morning dew, distils,
412t HowardWith shouts their joy proclaim;
417t HeberAnd joy to make Him known,
418t ChimesWith joy we hail the sacred day With joy the summons we obey,
426 TappanThere is a joy for souls distrest,
432t LoftinAttending angels shout for joy,
443 ChristmasWith tears of joy in all your eyes,
444 BroomsgroveAnd let their hearts o'erflow with joy
449 CosmerHis treasure and His joy.
454 Heavenly Light (or Eden)A heav'n of joy because of love.
459b RefugeLife, love, and joy, still gliding through,
472t SunsetDeath is the gate of endless joy,
472b CleavelandYe nations bow with sacred joy:
474 RothwellIn His own courts, your songs of joy;
476b Shepherd (Second)All earthly joy and earthly love,
477 Park StreetJoy to each raptured, list'ning heart.
478t BrentfordBut mingling joy allays the smart; The sorrow and the joy sincere.
484 OlivetA heaven of joy, a heaven of love.
486b LisleAnd joy and rev'rence filled the place!
491 NashvilleWhat life and joy those leaves afford
495 The Sailor's HomeThe soul for joy then claps her wings, Again for joy she plumes her wings, And now for joy she folds her wings,
510t AberdeenJoy of heav'n to earth come down;
511 FarewellThe spirit of joy upon you now is shed.
514 CrownOh, what joy the sight affords!
517 Rapture (Second)In songs of holy joy.
523 ConquestOur joy, and the theme of our song!
526 Zion's GloryHoly joy thy lights awaking,
528 Throne of GloryI joy to call Thee mine.
529 WorshipJesus with joy we witness,
531 Little WorthAnd joy grows weariness and woe,
533 Prospect of HeavenThere is a joy for souls distressed,
534 Angels SingingWhich they chant in hymns of joy: Hear them chant in hymns of joy,
535 Trial's HourA joy springs up amid distress,
539 Rest for the WearyHail with joy the rising morn!
548 MacedoniaNor joy, nor grief, nor time, nor place