129 Coronation | All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!
Hail Him who saves you by His grace,
165 Babylon is Fallen | Hail the day so long expected,
Hail the year of full release;
272 Felicity | Hail, ye realms of endless day!
302 Olivers | “Hail, Father, Son, and holy Ghost!”
Hail Abr'ham's God and mine,
342 Blest Morn | Hail the blest morn, see the great Mediator,
345 The Shepherd's Star | Hail the blest morn, see the great Mediator
346 Star in the East | Hail the blest morn, see the great Mediator,
354 Summer | Then to hail Him in triumph descending the skies.
360 The Saints Bound for Heaven | Hail the glor'ous jubilee,
418t Chimes | With joy we hail the sacred day
439 Lydia | All hail, ye fair, celestial shores,
451t Shepherd (First) | Hail, sacred truth! whose piercing rays
477 Park Street | Wake, O my soul, and hail the morn,
496t Wilmot | Hail, celestial goodness, hail!
496b Resurrection | Hail and sing th'incarnate God.
523 Conquest | All hail, blessed name,
539 Rest for the Weary | Hail with joy the rising morn!