21 Webster | And grace inspires our hearts.
26b Ninety-Third | Grace, 'tis a charming sound,
Grace first conceived the way
And all the steps that grace displays,
Grace first described my name
'Twas grace that gave me to the Lamb,
Grace let my roving feet
Grace taught my soul to pray,
'Twas grace that kept me to this day,
Grace all this work shall crown,
32b Zellville | Great is Thy grace and sure Thy word,
36t Lovely Vine | For His redeeming grace;
38 God Is Our Refuge | We're safely kept by grace;
45t Ila | Behold what wondrous grace,
58b Primrose | But we arise by grace divine
61b Gaines | The triumphs of His grace.
66b The Penitent's Prayer | See, low before Thy throne of grace,
73t Ella's Song | To make His glor'ous reign of grace
73b Downs | Thy precepts and Thy heav'nly grace
74 God's Helping Hand | Our souls each day with grace to fill;
78b New Britain | Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
89 Northfield | Adorned with shining grace.
92 Promised Day | O, may our hearts by grace renewed,
And of the bounties of Thy grace
94 Plenary | Revived my soul with grace.
95 Canaan's Land | I need the influ'nce of Thy grace
96 Mighty Love | Thus from the realms of grace divine
98 Christian Soldier | Is this vile world a friend to grace,
99 Pleasant Hill | O, may my heart by grace renewed,
101 An Address for All | Though beauty grace your comely face, with roses white and red,
103 Derrick | And with the treasures of His grace
107 Resignation (First) | In paths of truth and grace.
111t Fleeting Days | Yet with the bounties of Thy grace,
124 Pilgrim's Triumph | My tongue shall shout redeeming grace,
128t Hester | His church displays His grace;
129 Coronation | Hail Him who saves you by His grace,
133 Juniata | Thy grace still dwells upon my heart
137 Antioch | He rules the world with truth and grace,
142 The Solid Rock | I rest on His unchanging grace;
145t Milledgeville | And grace her mean abode,
145b Fiducia | Grant us the pow'r of quick'ning grace,
147 Fairfield | Without His sov'reign grace.
148 Leander | Is this vile world a friend to grace,
150 Salvation | Without His sov'reign grace.
152t Cross of Christ | To sing redeeming grace;
O God, to us may grace be giv'n
159t Devotion (First) | The pow'r and glory of Thy grace;
174b Burning Lamp | The day of grace; and mortals may
188 He Loves Me | Amazing pity, grace unknown!
200 Parting Hand | O trust His grace in Canaan's land,
202 Immensity | Move with unutterable grace:
203 Cumberland | Shall ever break the bonds of grace.
206 Prayer Meeting | Believe His word and trust his grace;
209 The Lord's Supper | What wondrous words of grace He spake.
211b Humble Penitent | The pow'r and glory of Thy grace;
213 Be Committed | Grace and love will you receive.
For His grace give Him the glory,
216b Social Band | And palms of vict'ry grace their hands.
218t Cookham | Ye who see the Father's grace
219 Rapture (First) | The grace appeared so great.
And sung surprising grace.
228 Pass Me Not | Save me by Thy grace.
232t Heavenly Armor | Through grace I am determined
235 Faithful Soldier | Through grace I am determined
240 Morning Light | Rich dews of grace come o'er us,
244b The Christian's Conflicts | And make His grace abound.
247 Oh! How Charming | Through grace I am determined
250b Disciple | Haste thee on from grace to glory,
256b Sacred Rest | When grace hath well refined my heart,
259t Crumly | I'm a miracle of grace.
259b Olney | Tune my heart to sing thy grace,
Oh, to grace how great a debtor
Let thy grace, Lord, like a fetter,
261t Come Thou Fount | Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
How I'll sing Thy sov'reign grace;
262 Collins | O seek His sanctifying grace,
264 Harwell | Happy objects of Thy grace,
265 Mourner's Lamentation | Fearing the day of grace is past,
266 Chrystler's Field | While grace divine in others shines,
268 Come Ye to the Waters | And sent His grace to save us.
273 Sing His Praise | By grace, through faith, and not by works,
283 Willowby | Vouchsafe the grace we humbly claim;
286 Ganges | Now by His grace is born again,
290 Amity | Adorned with wondrous grace,
He sits for grace and judgement here
291 Warrenton | Tune my heart to sing Thy grace:
292 Grief of Love | But that His grace can bear.
295 Redeemer's Praise | The triumphs of His grace.
302 Olivers | O'erwhelmed at His almighty grace,
306 Middlebury | While His grace we receive
310b Weary Sinner | Plead His promise, trust His grace.
312 Penitence | Let me be by grace restored;
323 Holy Manna | Seeking grace, and filled with fears?
327 The Christian's Hope | And taste the fullness of His grace,
329 Redeeming Grace | Redeemed by grace from death and hell.
And He His pard'ning grace revealed.
330 Fulfillment | Sweet gospel grace will soon be o'er.
334 Jordan's Stormy Wave | But God will give you grace to fight,
338t How Firm a Foundation | My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply,
339 Samanthra | That waters the garden of grace;
And bask in the smiles of His grace.
363 The Christian Warfare | But grace will support and comfort my spirit,
372 I Won't Turn Back | And His grace will support my soul;
382 How Sweet the Sound | Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
and grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.
384 Lord I'm Depending on You | Lord, I seek Thy face, save me by Thy grace, take me to that place,
385 Sweet Heaven | By faith I trust in His Grace;
394 Stubborn Heart | That one in all His grace I need;
395 King of Peace | Scorn Thy grace, Thy pow'r defy;
397t Hants | Lord, in the strength of grace,
401b Euphrates | His grace shall to the end
402b Kelso | So far the richness of His grace,
406 Luther | His grace shall to the end,
413b Barby | And seal'd the grace with blood.
The light, the strength, and pard'ning grace,
414 Friend | The numbers of Thy grace?
Send down Thy grace, O blessed Lord,
417t Heber | Infinite pow'r and boundless grace
427 Naomi | Accepted at Thy throne of grace,
The blessings of Thy grace impart,
429 Charming Name | Thy grace still dwells upon my heart,
432t Loftin | Adorned with shining grace.
432b Fish Pond | And trust His promised grace;
433 New Haven | How happy ev'ry child of grace,
And shout and wonder at His grace,
436b It Is I | His grace comes to our aid;
442 Lanesboro | Without Thy cheering grace.
446 Damascus | The counsels of redeeming grace
451t Shepherd (First) | The glories of Thy grace.
452t Head | His promises of grace
452b Hebron | Some fresh memorial of His grace.
455b Rockbridge | The day of grace, and mortals may
462b Upton | Bless, O my soul, the God of grace;
465t Breaker | Of all who e'er Thy grace received;
467b Uxbridge | Reveals Thy justice and Thy grace.
470 Duke Street | With gifts and grace for rebel men,
471b Hesperia | Of all who e'er Thy grace received,
473 Bartholday | By Him what wondrous grace is shown
475 Portugal | Where kindled by redeeming grace.
476t Effingham | The counsel of His grace imparts;
480 Salineville | Thine endless grandeur and Thy grace.
486b Lisle | From lips of gentleness and grace,
494 Hingham | His works of grace, how bright they shine!
511 Farewell | Through grace and the Spirit we'll glory inherit,
512 Missionary Song | With a glorious day of grace:
518 Ariel | Triumphant in His grace.
520 Harwich | And be His grace adored:
His pow'r and grace
His pow'r and grace
522 Newbury | His all-resplendent grace
And loud that grace proclaim
525 Goodly Land | And sing the wonders of His grace
529 Worship | And by Thy grace with songs of praise,
541 Resignation (Second) | In paths of truth and grace.
548 Macedonia | Partakers of the Saviour's grace,