32t Rayfield | Thy glories round the earth are spread,
61b Gaines | The glories of my God and King,
75 Sprague | How bright their glories be.
97 The Guiding Star | It's glories shine above the skies,
113 The Converted Thief | “Amid the glories of that world,
127 Herald | Thy glories shall the world confess.
137 Antioch | The glories of His righteousness,
158 The Land of Rest | In its glories to share,
185 Corinth | Whose glories shine through endless days.
188 He Loves Me | And shut his glories in,
227 Majestic Rays | His head with awful glories crowned;
250t Realms of the Blest | And oft are its glories confessed,
295 Redeemer's Praise | The glories of my God and King,
340 Concord | Your glories recede from my sight,
368t Brush Creek | Whose glories shine in endless days.
391 Glad Tidings | And gaze on His glories with wonder and love.
417t Heber | With glories all divine,
How bright these glories shine.
419t Rockingham (First) | The glories of my God and King,
422t Boswell | Thy glories all my spirit fill,
437 The Dying Penitent | “Amid the glories of that world,
439 Lydia | Bright glories rush upon my sight,
451t Shepherd (First) | The glories of Thy grace.
451b Devotion (Second) | And saw His glories shine;
457t Ware | And sheds bright glories on them all.
463 Anvern | Thy glories shall the world confess.
465b Welton | On earth Thy glories I'll declare,
476t Effingham | Where we His awful glories sing.
480 Salineville | The glories of th'eternal skies;
518 Ariel | Oh, could I sound the glories forth,
Make all His glories known.
519 Dalston | His head with awful glories crowned;
531 Little Worth | Life, like its glories glides away,