The Christian Harmony


Songs With the Word "First"

3 Christmas MorningOn that first Christmas day.
5t Dear Friends, FarewellThan when we first begun.
11 Minister's FarewellIf you die first, anon you must,
26b Ninety-ThirdGrace first conceived the way Grace first described my name
28b Watchman (First)Before the first of all His works,
78b New BritainThe hour I first believed. Than when we first begun.
144b Walk with GodWhen first I saw the Lord?
151 Sweet ProspectWhen first I saw the Lord?
175 O How I Love JesusBecause He first loved me.
241 Closer Walk with GodWhen first I saw the Lord?
246 The Good PhysicianFirst gave me sight to view Him,
306 MiddleburyFirst created to share
307 True HappinessI first found in the blood of the Lamb; When my heart first believed,
364 Redemption (Second)How I was first called to seek for salvation, I was not yet sixteen when Jesus first call'd me,
369 Easter AnthemNow is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. Then first humanity triumphant passed the crystal ports of light,
382 How Sweet the Soundthe hour I first believed. than when we first begun.
425b Rylandwhen first I saw the Lord?
448b ColeshillThe breath that first it gave;
451b Devotion (Second)Sweet was the time when first I felt
536 SymphonyBut gather first my saints, (the Judge commands,)