28b Watchman (First) | Before the fields, before the flood,
36b Albion | Before we reach the heav'nly fields,
42 Joy Bells | O'er those sacred fields to wander,
46t The Hill of Zion | Before we reach the heav'nly fields,
51 Lonsdale | Before we reach the heav'nly fields,
62b Joy to the World | While fields and floods, rocks and hills, and plains,
72t Jordan | Sweet fields arrayed in living green,
87 The Promised Land | Sweet fields arrayed in living green,
130t Sacred Love | Our fields with plenteousness.
137 Antioch | While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
154 Happy Time | We long to reach those heav'nly fields
158 The Land of Rest | Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood,
234 The Singing Christian | Though all the fields should wither,
249 Green Fields | The fields strive in vain to look gay,
258 Thorny Desert | Lie the fields of endless day.
In the fields of endless rest,
308 The Happy Time | We long to reach those heav'nly fields,
324 Fair Fields of Eden | Loudly swell the heav'nly chorus,
431 Dungeness | And woods and fields rejoice.
436t Turner | Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood
480 Salineville | Up to the fields, where angels lie,
532 Boerne | The fields strive in vain to look gay,
539 Rest for the Weary | In the sweet fields of Eden,