5b Always Something New | Oh when we feel the pow'r of Christ,
21 Webster | Sing till we feel our hearts
31t Home | I feel my work is done.
35b Boylston | Is such as tender parents feel;
76t Brainerd | I now should feel Thy pow'r!
93 Something New | The mind would feel an aching void,
125t Endless Joy | Nor feel the terrors as she passed.
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
152b Messiah | O let me feel Thee near;
160 The Saint's Delight | I feel like I'm on my journey home.
174t Prospect | Nor feel the terrors as she passed.
175 O How I Love Jesus | Can feel my deepest woe;
179 Traveling On | I feel like traveling on;
I feel like traveling on.
Yes, I feel like traveling on;
I feel like traveling on.
I feel like traveling on;
I feel like traveling on.
I feel like traveling on;
I feel like traveling on.
I feel like traveling on
I feel like traveling on.
I feel like traveling on;
I feel like traveling on.
193 Kay | I feel my sins are all forgiv'n,
212 Christian Prospect | I feel no ways like getting tired
229 Tranquility | They shall feel distress no more,
233 Believer and His Soul | But I feel myself so hard.
236b Complainer | I feel my faith declining and my affections cold.
242 Come, Ye Disconsolate | For He has felt mare than sinners can feel;
259b Olney | Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
267 Louisiana | A little patience makes us feel
282 Friendship | Well may he feel and recommend
286 Ganges | Or feel the wrath of God.
296 He's Holding My Hand | I feel no way like turning back,
300 Desire | Thee, and only Thee to feel.
314 The Christian | I feel I'm in His favor,
I feel my sins forgiven,
336t Sweet Harmony | Shall feel Christ within;
336b Probation | Give me to feel their solemn weight,
351 Sweet Home | And feel in the presence of Jesus at home.
420 Cambridge | To find I cannot feel.
But often feel another mind
433 New Haven | We feel the resurrection near,
457t Ware | O, what amazing joys they feel,
472t Sunset | Nor feel the terrors as she passed.
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
501 Owen | Ye that feel temptation's pow'r;
503 Invocation (New) | O may we feel Thy pow'r,
505 Waterford | I feel the mortal smart!
547 Higher Ground | I feel Thy Spirit and Thy love which say awake arise.