4 Copeland | That we may live in endless day.
21 Webster | His endless praise proclaim,
31t Home | While endless ages roll along,
32b Zellville | His endless praises sing;
35b Boylston | To endless years endure;
41b Ardor | To reign in endless day.
76t Brainerd | My soul from endless death.
79 Kingwood | And I must launch through endless deeps,
Where endless ages roll.
Or sigh in endless night.
84 Homeland | While the endless ages roll.
106 Sweet Rivers | The glor'ous hope of endless rest
108 Redeeming Love | The glor'ous hope of endless rest
122 The Dying Boy | I'll live in endless day.
125t Endless Joy | Death is the gate of endless joy,
168b Sunrise | To realms of endless day,
In endless happy days,
In endless happy days,
174t Prospect | Death is the gate of endless joy,
182 A Happy Meeting | Singing glad hosannas through the endless glory day,
185 Corinth | Whose glories shine through endless days.
235 Faithful Soldier | Drink endless pleasures in?
244t Mutual Love | Drink endless pleasures in.
258 Thorny Desert | Lie the fields of endless day.
In the fields of endless rest,
261t Come Thou Fount | Me to realms of endless day.
272 Felicity | Hail, ye realms of endless day!
285 Farewell Brother | Endless day is round thee poured;
286 Ganges | Or sink in endless woe.
301 John Street | And endless rest.
302 Olivers | And endless praise.
304 Blue Vale of Naucoochee | And endless rest.
310b Weary Sinner | To the realms of endless day,
322 Among that Band | The brighter grows my hope of endless rest;
325b Jesus Died For Me | To that sweet home of endless day.
368t Brush Creek | Whose glories shine in endless days.
388 Anchor | To realms of endless day;
439 Lydia | Ye lands of endless day!
453b Wakefield | Pardon, and life, and endless peace;
460b Gratitude | My God, how endless is Thy love!
472t Sunset | Death is the gate of endless joy,
473 Bartholday | Just on the brink of endless woe,
479 Triumph | To endless ages still the same.
480 Salineville | Thine endless grandeur and Thy grace.
513 Lakeland | Doomed for guilt to endless paths,
520 Harwich | Have endless praise.
Have endless praise.
525 Goodly Land | And endless rest:
530 Urmund | To endless day.
In endless day.
In endless day.