48 Mount Helicon | But died without the sight.
60 What Did He Do? | What did He do? He died for you,
104 Everlasting Song | The God that loved and died.
105b Hamburg | On which the Prince of glory died,
113 The Converted Thief | And wept, and bled, and died,
117 Angel Band | Who bled and died for me:
147 Fairfield | As sinner never died.
152t Cross of Christ | Who died upon the tree,
That Jesus died for me.
154 Happy Time | Christ died for all who on Him call
Sinners, He died for you:
166 What Can I Do? | Who died upon the tree?
175 O How I Love Jesus | Who died to set me free;
188 He Loves Me | When Christ the mighty Maker died
192 The Penitent | To him who died, our fears to quell,
199 Vernon | Art Thou the Man that died for me?
215 In That Morning | He died for you, I hope for me.
237 Remember Thy Creator | He cries, who died to save it,
243 Zion's Light | Who died on Calvary,
250b Disciple | Think that Jesus died to win thee;
256t Pleading Savior | Once He died for your behavior,
Once He died for your behavior,
265 Mourner's Lamentation | Or had I died when I was young,
I lived, I died, laid in the grave,
279 Lecil | Just in full bloom he died;
285 Farewell Brother | He who died that thou mightst live,
307 True Happiness | He hath suffered and died,
Who hath died my poor soul to redeem,
335 When I am Gone | Think who has died His beloved to save,
349 Redemption (First) | Our blessed Saviour died;
364 Redemption (Second) | He died for poor sinners, when nailed to the tree.
367 David's Lamentation | Would to God I had died
384 Lord I'm Depending on You | He who died for us on Mt. Calvary's old rugged cross;
437 The Dying Penitent | And wept, and bled, and died,
507b Sicily | But this Saviour died to have us
537 Crucifixion | Oh! He died on Calvary,
Oh! He bowed His head and died,
Crying, “Father, I have died,
549b The Drone | My father (mother) died a shouting