27t Morning Worship | Or on the chilling mount did stay,
39 A Precious Stone | The builders did refuse;
41t Mediation | Did Christ o'er sinners weep,
60 What Did He Do? | What did He do? He died for you,
68 Bright Mansions | That the Saviour did prepare.
Where the Saviour did prepare.
That the Saviour did prepare.
76t Brainerd | What did Thine only Son endure,
78b New Britain | How precious did that grace appear,
96 Mighty Love | Did Jesus come to die;
105b Hamburg | Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
112 Bush Hills | For whom He did foreknow;
And also did predestinate to be conformed to His Son,
116 Floyd | Did not Thy wing of love
138 Rest in the Kingdom | All my life did control,
163t Hollis | Did ever mourner plead with Thee,
188 He Loves Me | Alas! and did my Saviour bleed?
And did my Sov'reign die?
202 Immensity | And never did an angel guest
219 Rapture (First) | And did Thy hand confess;
252 The Sufferings of Christ | Oh, did my dear Jesus thus bleed,
Oh, whence did such mercy proceed?
286 Ganges | Again did Sinai's thunders roll,
324 Fair Fields of Eden | Loudly swell the heav'nly chorus,
343 Tell the Story | It did so much for me;
350 The Rock | I will pray to the Saviour who kindly did die,
369 Easter Anthem | And did He rise?
382 How Sweet the Sound | How precious did that grace appear,
392 Imandra | A pillar of cloud in the east did appear,
And soaring aloft till the midst He did gain.
And quitting the globe with great pleasure did sing
410t Weeping Saviour | Did Christ o'er sinners weep,
487 Chester | Did infant Time his being draw;
497t Acton | Such as did the Father move:
507t Union | And Jesus dear blood it did cost.