16 The Finest Flower | Earth could not hold so rich a flow'r,
Nor could the world and Satan's pow'r
60 What Did He Do? | No angel could our place have taken,
68 Bright Mansions | O could I view that bright place,
73b Downs | Could make me so rejoice.
76t Brainerd | O Jesus, could I this believe,
82t Lady Touch Thy Harp Again | There was one who could impart
85 Mercy Seat | Ah! whither could we flee for aid,
93 Something New | Now, could we call all Europe ours,
106 Sweet Rivers | And could rejoice to die.
108 Redeeming Love | And could rejoice to die.
116 Floyd | We could not fly to Thee.
O who could bear life's stormy doom,
132 Musical Society | His voice and harp could spirits quell,
138 Rest in the Kingdom | Not a friend could I trust to be true,
153 Columbus | I then could stoop to wash their feet,
I once could mourn o'er dying men,
154 Happy Time | If I could know which of you'd go,
158 The Land of Rest | Oh, could we make our doubts remove,
200 Parting Hand | Oh could I stay with friends so kind;
226t Rock of Ages | Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone:
229 Tranquility | Tales of woe they could not speak;
269t Restoration | Alms which none but He could give.
272 Felicity | Brethren, could you see my Jesus,
276 Worlds Beyond the Sky | Oh, could our thoughts and wishes fly,
281b Palmetto | Could I share with all my treasure,
Nothing else could quite so charm me,
286 Ganges | Amazed I stood, but could not tell
I no relief could find:
307 True Happiness | And the angels could do nothing more;
And I could not believe
349 Redemption (First) | When He paid the debt we could not pay
374 Heavenly Vision | I beheld and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number,
409b Newingham | Oh that I could repent,
420 Cambridge | To love Thee, if I could;
423t Coventry | Oh, could our thoughts our wishes fly
466 The Mercy-Seat | Ah! wither could we flee for aid,
470 Duke Street | Not Sinai's mountain could appear
507b Sicily | Could or would have shed His blood?
518 Ariel | Oh, could I speak the matchless worth,
Oh, could I sound the glories forth,