The Christian Harmony


Songs With the Word "Cold"

11 Minister's FarewellWho can you save from the cold grave,
56b Sing to Me of HeavenWhen cold and sluggish drops
69 Rocky MountAnd cold my warmest thought;
85 Mercy SeatMy tongue be silent cold and still,
86t OrtonvilleAnd cold, my warmest thought;
119 Weary SoulsAnd waters deep and cold,
168b SunriseThe bitter cold and rain,
203 CumberlandNor e'en when we are cold in death.
233 Believer and His SoulBut I'm cold, I'm dark, I'm dead.
236b ComplainerI feel my faith declining and my affections cold.
242 Come, Ye DisconsolateEre deaths cold waters shall over you steal;
285 Farewell BrotherDeath's cold gloom now parts asunder,
332 Babylonian CaptivityIf my cold heart neglect thy kindred race,
342 Blest MornCold on His cradle the dewdrops are shining;
344 MoralityFor virtue and wisdom can warm the cold scene,
345 The Shepherd's StarCold on His cradle the dewdrops are shining;
346 Star in the EastCold on His cradle the dewdrops are shining;
418b Union ValeIn these cold hearts of ours.
441 The Lonesome DoveAnd waters deep and cold,
450t BurfordDark was the night, and cold the ground
509b The Good ShepherdTill in death's cold arms we sleep,