11 Minister's Farewell | The children of the light.
21 Webster | Ye blessed children, come,
22b Sinner Come | To all His children, come.
35b Boylston | And children's children ever find,
And children's children ever find,
36b Albion | But children of the heav'nly King,
38 God Is Our Refuge | Where God's dear children reign;
51 Lonsdale | But children of the heav'nly King
72b Joyful News | That Jesus hears when children pray,
74 God's Helping Hand | Thy weary children need Thee still,
84 Homeland | And says, dear blessed children,
153 Columbus | I travailed for their poor children,
234 The Singing Christian | Will give His children bread.
238 Child's Wish | For many little children
239t Soft Music | Join, join children of sadness;
244b The Christian's Conflicts | Dear children, don't be weary,
267 Louisiana | Come, little children, now we may
284 Don't Grieve Your Mother | For her dear children, out of her sight,
303 The Unclouded Day | O they tell me that He smiles on His children there,
316 This Heavy Load | Dear God, Thy children bend down low,
320 Longing for the Day | When Jesus shall call His children away,
When He'll call His children from ev'ry land,
323 Holy Manna | And our children sinking down;
332 Babylonian Captivity | Her friends, her children mingled with the dead.
And raise His children to eternal day.
341 The Lone Pilgrim | I blest my dear children, who now for me mourn –
Oh tell my companion and children most dear,
351 Sweet Home | Sweet bonds that unite all the children of peace!
357 The Trumpet | Great Creator, on us, Thy sad children with love;
358 O Come, Come Away | “Let little children come to me;” O come, come away!
399t Lockport | But children of the heav'nly King