3 Christmas Morning | As humble as a little lamb,
5t Dear Friends, Farewell | Bright shining as the sun;
12 Gate of Home | As on life's rugged path I roam,
17 Call to Arms | But as we fly, we'll always cry,
24b Fredrica | As Thou wert ever kind.
31b Time | Gird up your loins as in His sight,
34 Going Home | As I, a pilgrim sadly roam.
35b Boylston | Is such as tender parents feel;
Our days are as the grass,
45t Ila | As Christ the Lord is pure.
54 My Trust | Firm as His throne His promise stands,
55t Carolina | As in Thy sight to live;
55b Idumea | Soon as from earth I go,
57 Salvation's Rock | All others are as fleeting things,
61t North Carolina | Wide as the heav'ns on which He sits,
62t Sweet Hope (First) | And wear it as my due.
62b Joy to the World | Far as the curse is found.
65 The Golden Hill | As Thou wert ever kind.
68 Bright Mansions | As she looked in tender care,
69 Rocky Mount | But when I see Thee as Thou art,
I'll praise Thee as I ought.
73b Downs | Soon as I know Thy way,
75 Sprague | They wrestled hard, as we do now,
78b New Britain | Bright shining as the sun;
79 Kingwood | Fly rapid as the whirling spheres,
And whisper as they fly.
To sing above as angels do,
82t Lady Touch Thy Harp Again | Not as oft in days more bright,
86t Ortonville | But when I see Thee as Thou art,
I'll praise Thee as I ought.
96 Mighty Love | As God is love, let it combine
As it prevails above;
100 Tennessee | For whom I've mourned as dead.”
101 An Address for All | For you must die as well as I, and pass from hence away.
111t Fleeting Days | Swift as an Ind'an arrow flies,
113 The Converted Thief | As on the cross the Saviour hung,
114 That Glorious Day | Bright as the rising sun;
115 The Millennium | Bright as the rising sun;
116 Floyd | As darkness shows us worlds of light
121t Prosperity | And shout salvation as I fly,
124 Pilgrim's Triumph | To see a Pilgrim as he dies,
125t Endless Joy | Nor feel the terrors as she passed.
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
125b Day Dawn | And there may I, though vile as he,
132 Musical Society | And voices had to join as one
137 Antioch | Far as the curse is found.
143 Farther Along | Toils of the road will then seem as nothing,
As we sweep through the beautiful gate.
145b Fiducia | Must lie as low as ours.”
146b Bangor | Must lie as low as ours.”
147 Fairfield | As sinner never died.
153 Columbus | But now I meet them as the rest,
I shall come forth as gold.
155 Solemn Call | For you must die as well as I,
165 Babylon is Fallen | All who now as foes combine.
166 What Can I Do? | O mould it as Thou wilt;
172 The Grand Highway | God's holy light makes fair as the bright noon day;
174t Prospect | Nor feel the terrors as she passed.
180 The Sinless Summerland | As I tread the narrow pathway through the thorny vale I dream
188 He Loves Me | For such a worm as I?
190 Salutation | We're filled as with new wine,
198 News From The Skies | But not as monarchs do.
200 Parting Hand | In sweet submission, all as one,
204t What a Day | With our God as King above.
218t Cookham | As to Canaan on ye move,
218b Harmony | Lasting as eternity;
222t Praise | Praise Him as the theme inspires;
Praise Him as His fame requires.
224b Hark My Soul | Free and faithful, strong as death.”
225t Kenan | Gently as life's setting sun,
233 Believer and His Soul | Restless as the troubled seas,
Look to Jesus, kind as strong,
239t Soft Music | Joy, joy bright as the day;
249 Green Fields | December's as pleasant as May.
No mortal as happy as I,
252 The Sufferings of Christ | He shed forth His blood as the cost.
His sweat was as great drops of blood.
255 Watchman (Second) | As He comes down from on high.
258 Thorny Desert | Make them tremble as they go;
266 Chrystler's Field | But as we fly, we'll always cry
282 Friendship | Mirth is as fleeting as a dream
Just as the fuel feeds the fire –
289 Happy Land | Bright, bright as day.
297 Lucas | Our time, as a stream,
299 Green Meadows | Speaks of God as he flies;
The moon as it appears,
303 The Unclouded Day | Where He sits on the throne that is white as snow,
307 True Happiness | To redeem such a rebel as me.
310t Our Journey Home | We shall see Him as He is, by and by, when He comes,
We shall see Him as He is, when He comes.
317 The Christian Soldier | Such a charge as thou must keep,
Sleep as on the battlefield,
319 Weary Pilgrim | Love as boundless as the ocean.
329 Redeeming Grace | Far as the east from west is parted,
Shout as they reach the promised land.
331 A Home in Heaven | As the poor man toils in his weary lot:
A home in heav'n! as the suff'rer lies
335 When I am Gone | Weep not for me as you stand round my grave,
Shed not a tear as you all kneel in prayer,
Sing a sweet song, such as angels may have,
336t Sweet Harmony | As at the beginning,
339 Samanthra | His voice as the sound of the dulcimer sweet,
His lips as the fountain of righteousness flow,
343 Tell the Story | As nothing else would do.
344 Morality | That peace! I'll preserve it as pure as 'twas giv'n,
And sixty can flourish as gay as sixteen.
353 Bower of Prayer | That dwelt in my bow'r, I observed as my bell,
Sing anthems of praises as I went to prayer,
as I went to prayer.
355 Homeward Bound | Wildly the storm sweeps us on as it roars,
We'll tell the world as we journey along,
357 The Trumpet | As the Lord cometh down in the pomp of His ire!
365 The Indian's Petition | And whose heart like the fawn is as pure as the snow;
366 Millennium (First) | The watchmen will then lift up their voices as one,
As soon as the churches are redeemed from all sin;
367 David's Lamentation | And as he went he wept, and said,
368t Brush Creek | Ashamed of Jesus! just as soon
368b Sweetest Pleasure | Lasting as eternity;
372 I Won't Turn Back | The Lord has been so great as I travel
382 How Sweet the Sound | bright shining as the sun;
393b China | As fast as time can move?
399b Thatcher | As Thou wert ever kind.
402b Kelso | Far as the east is from the west,
High as the heav'ns are raised
410b Kambia | Swift as a flood our hasty days
415t Nazareth | For 'twas to bless such souls as these
419b Fountain | O may I there, though vile as he,
420 Cambridge | Insensible as steel;
421t Seymour | And here may I, though vile as he,
424 Nightingale | And bid Him as a wretch undone,
432b Fish Pond | As sparks break out from burning coals,
437 The Dying Penitent | As on the cross the Saviour hung,
443 Christmas | But not as monarchs do.
450b Consolation | Wide as the heav'ns on which He sits,
451b Devotion (Second) | Soon as the morn the light revealed,
454 Heavenly Light (or Eden) | Wide as the heathen nations are;
460t Bohemia | As mountains their foundations keep;
467t Elparan | As grateful incense, to the skies,
472t Sunset | Nor feel the terrors as she passed.
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
473 Bartholday | A bright inheritance as ours,
479 Triumph | As in the ancient days appear!
493t Kedron | Long as eternal ages roll.
497t Acton | Such as did the Father move:
506 Dying Love | And as now I eat and drink,
524 When Shall We Meet Again? | Pure as life's river?
528 Throne of Glory | On me, as Thou art dying,
532 Boerne | December's as pleasant as May.
No mortal so happy as I,
533 Prospect of Heaven | 'Tis soft as breath of even;
534 Angels Singing | Reaching far as man is found.
545 Mount Vernon | Gentle as the summer breeze,
Pleasant as the air of evening,