The Christian Harmony


511 Farewell

Page 511in The Christian Harmony, 2010 Revised Edition
Page 362in The Christian Harmony, William Walker 1873 Edition (Carolina Book)
Music:William B. Moore, 1825
alto William Walker, 1867
Key:F Sharp Minor
Time Signature:6/4
Text: Moore's Columbian Harmony, 1825
Hymn Meter:12s & 11s.

Come, Christians, be valiant, our Jesus is near us, We'll conquer the powers of darkness and sin; Through grace and the Spirit we'll glory inherit, And peace, like a river, give comfort within. We have trials, and cares, and hardships and losses, But heaven will pay us for all that we bear; We'll soon end in pleasures and glory forever, And bright crowns of glory for ever we'll wear. Young converts, be humble, the prospect is blooming, The wings of kind angels around you are spread; While some are oppressed with sin and are mourning, The spirit of joy upon you now is shed. Live near to our Captain, and always obey Him, This world, flesh, and Satan must all be denied; Both care and diligence, and prayer without ceasing, Will safe land young converts to riches on high. O mourners, God bless you, don't faint in the spirit, Believe, and the Spirit our pardon He'll give; He's now interceding and pleading His merit, Give up, and your souls He will quickly receive. If truly a mourner, He's promised you comfort, His good promises stand in His sacred word; O hearken and hear them, all glory, all glory, The mourners are filled with the presence of God. O sinners, my bowels do move with desire: Why stand you gazing on the works of the Lord? O fly from the flames of self-devouring fire, And wash your pollution in Jesus' own blood. O brethren, in sweet gales now we are all breezing, My soul feels the mighty, the heavenly flame I'm now on my journey, my faith is increasing, All glory and praise to our God and the Lamb.