The Christian Harmony


11 Minister's Farewell

Page 11in The Christian Harmony, 2010 Revised Edition
Page 11in The Christian Harmony, Deason-Parris Revisions 1958-1994 (Alabama Book)
Page 111tin The Christian Harmony, William Walker 1873 Edition (Carolina Book)
Music: Wyeth's Repository, Part 2nd, 1813
alto 1958
Key:G Major
Time Signature:2/2
Text: Broaddus and Broaddus, Collection of Sacred Ballads, 1790
Hymn Meter:C.M. 8 lines.

Dear friends, farewell I do you tell, Since you and I must part. I go away, and here you stay, But still we're joined in heart. Your love to me has been most free, Your conversation sweet; How can I bear to journey where With you I cannot meet. Yet do I find my heart inclined To do my work below; When Christ doth call I trust I shall Be ready then to go. I leave you all, both great and small, In Christ's encircling arms; Who can you save from the cold grave, And shield you from all harm. I trust you'll pray, both night and day, And keep your garments white, For you and me, that we may be The children of the light. If you die first, anon you must, The will of God be done; I hope the Lord will you reward With an immortal crown. If I'm called home whilst I am gone, Indulge no tears for me; I hope to sing, and praise my King To all eternity. Millions of years, over the spheres Shall pass in sweet repose, While beauty bright unto my sight Thy sacred sweets disclose.